
A Message from Dr. Crockett

Welcome to Bob Jones University! Whether you are a returning student or a member of the class of 2028, we are thrilled to have you on campus for our 98th year! Your energy and excitement literally bring the campus to life, and we are so glad you have chosen to join us for what we hope will be our best year ever.

BJU faculty and staff continually work to develop new and innovative ways to provide you with an unparalleled student experience centered on biblical thinking, engaged learning, and life mentoring. It is our hope that while you are here you will discover the joy of learning because “Learning is for Life.” That means so much more than spending the rest of your life learning. In John 10:10 Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Abundant life through Christ comes by learning and applying what we learn to life. Paul prayed that the believers in Philippi would have a love that would “abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment”’ and that they would approve of things that are excellent. The right kind of learning is the key to growing and experiencing to the fullest the life that God has prepared for you.

This is the reason we are committed to providing you with a world-class education and walking beside you throughout your academic journey to encourage you spiritually, academically, and socially. We will use every opportunity to connect with you all over campus — in places like the field house, The Den, or the dining common. We want you to know that BJU is where you belong, and we are here to help you get everything possible from your education.

Education is life-shaping. That is why we are committed to giving you an education sourced in a comprehensive biblical worldview intrinsic to our curriculum. BJU’s liberal arts core is intended to broaden your understanding of God’s world, and the 18-hour minor in biblical worldview will help you know how to live well in that world for God’s glory. The value of your BJU college experience extends far beyond the classroom, providing you opportunities to broaden your horizons and experience life in a multifaceted way as you enjoy an abundance of fine arts, ministry, academic, and recreational opportunities.

God has provided us with a beautiful setting in which to learn. Greenville is a thriving and growing city set in the foothills of Upstate South Carolina. You will find there are myriad opportunities here for experiential learning, fun adventures, shopping, and recreation — from our unique downtown booming with restaurants and special events to the natural beauty of God’s creation at Falls Park on the Reedy River and the surrounding mountains.

This handbook serves as your guidebook while you are a student. Read it carefully and use it regularly. It provides practical guidelines to make everyone’s life work best and helps us develop an authentic community while living on a residential college campus with complex schedules. It will also make clear our expectations for you as a Christian during these days of young adulthood by providing clear guidelines rooted in biblical commands and principles for daily living.

We are excited for this 98th year. We believe that God is going to do amazing things in your life as you grow into greater Christlikeness through learning because — Learning is for Life!!

Josh Crockett

A Letter from Your Student Leadership Council Presidents

Welcome Back, Bruin Nation!

A lot has happened since we left for the summer—many of you have traveled abroad, completed internships, reconnected with family, counseled at camps, and worked as many hours as possible to come back to school. What a joy it is to experience college life alongside a community of like-minded believers. This truly is a special season of life, and we look ahead to this year with excitement.

To those who are new to BJU, a big welcome to you! Your first year will become one of your most memorable years as you dive into this new adventure. Soak up this year, and go all in. Go all in with your friendships—plan that hike, ask someone to join you for a meal, laugh with your roommates, and enjoy spiritual conversations. Go all in with your academics—get to know your professors, explore extra opportunities, and develop the gifts and skills that God has given you. And most importantly, go all in spiritually—take advantage of these years to saturate your mind in Scripture, come to chapel expectantly, establish daily habits of spending time with the Lord, become involved in a local church, serve others, and pray for one another. And somehow, in the midst of being all in, you will grow in managing time well!

For those of us returning to campus, we are so excited to have you back with us! We can testify to God’s faithfulness in carrying us through the highs and lows of college. As we look forward to this year, difficulties will arise, but we know that God will sustain us as we have seen Him do in the past. As we begin, remember our God is unchanging! We encourage you to remember the privilege that we have to attend a Christian university. With so many opportunities to grow through our academics, local church, and friendships, we have countless reasons to be grateful. Your outlook on the experiences ahead will not only affect you, but also those around you. When disappointments come, we encourage you to reflect on the countless blessings God has given us and praise Him! 

As we all begin this new year at Bob Jones University together, we can live abundant lives because of Christ. Take advantage of each chance you have to serve and grow yourself so that you can be the best servant of Christ. The Lord will use each of you greatly as you surrender to His will for your life. We are excited to see how God will continue to allow us to pursue growing in our Christ-likeness at BJU. Through classes, service opportunities, jobs, and so much more, we are called to display Christ to those around us. Let us clearly reflect the light of the gospel to everyone we come in contact with for the glory of God! 

We will be praying for you as we go through this year, and are excited to see what the Lord has in store!


Ashlyn Feller and Jonny Daulton

SLC Student Body Presidents


Center for Leadership Development

Located at the back of the Den, the Center for Leadership Development exists to support student development by cultivating an environment of discipleship in Christlike character in which student leaders develop themselves, lead their peers, and serve their community.

Student Health Services

Located in Reveal, the Student Health Services office connects students to health care in the Greenville community and provides compassionate care for the physical needs of students. 

Student Care

Located in Reveal, the Student Care office provides biblical counsel and care and fosters mentoring relationships in the BJU community. It is a safe place to talk about your cares and struggles and receive biblical help that is also confidential.

Student Life

Located in the Welcome Center, Student Life exists to support student development in Christlike character and leadership potential through shared truth, caring community, and loving accountability, all within a positive and engaging discipleship experience.


A Brief History

Evangelist Bob Jones Sr. founded Bob Jones College in 1927 after his travels across the United States convinced him that Christian students were losing their faith at secular colleges. He had a vision for a college distinguished by academic excellence, refined standards of behavior, and opportunities to appreciate the arts — and at the same time, a place where Christ would be the center of all thought and conduct.

Beginning with 88 students in College Point, Florida, the college offered degrees in Bible, music, and speech. Students participated in activities such as literary societies, sports, weekly Vespers, and the Classic Players — but the highlight of each day was the chapel service.

Although the college survived the initial years of the Great Depression, a lack of funds forced a move in 1933 to Cleveland, Tennessee, where the college established additional academic programs and a work scholarship program to help students pay their expenses. After World War II, the GI Bill helped double the size of the student body, requiring another relocation to larger facilities.

In 1946 construction began on the 210-acre campus in Greenville, South Carolina. The first 2,500 students arrived the following year. Concurrently, with the addition of six academic colleges, Bob Jones College became Bob Jones University, and the Board of Trustees elected Bob Jones Jr. president. The move to Greenville provided the space and finances for BJU to start its own radio station, a Christian film studio, and the Museum & Gallery.

In 1971 Bob Jones III assumed the responsibilities of president. Under his leadership, additional academic programs were offered. In 1973 the 7,000-seat Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium (FMA) was completed. In 1974 BJU Press was founded to provide educational materials with a biblical worldview for precollege schools and homeschooling families.

In the 1980s BJU’s new outreaches included summer mission teams for students, the support of church planting ministries, and the creation of the WORLD Fund to assist international students who return to minister in their home countries.

In the 1990s BJU launched BJ LINC and BJ HomeSat satellite programs, constructed the Bob Jones Jr. Memorial Seminary and Evangelism Center, and began Living Gallery, a presentation of the Gospel through music, drama, and live works of art.

In the 2000s major improvements were made to the campus, including the construction of the Davis Field House and the redesign of the main entrance. In 2004 BJU began the process of becoming an accredited member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools. The University achieved full accreditation during the tenure of Stephen Jones, who was installed as president in 2005. In 2017 the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges granted Bob Jones University regional accreditation.

In 2012 BJU reinstated intercollegiate athletics, competing as a Division II school in the National Christian College Athletics Association (NCCAA). University teams compete in soccer, basketball, cross-country, track and field, women’s volleyball, golf, and baseball.

Evangelist Steve Pettit became president in 2014. He focused on enhancing the student life and discipleship experience. He has also led in the addition of academic programs and other growth-driving initiatives; the application for regional accreditation; the addition of the School for Continuing, Online and Professional Education and the School of Health Professions; the securing of tax exemption; the expansion of intercollegiate sports and increased University and student involvement in the community.

In May 2023, Dr. Alan Benson was appointed acting CEO by the Board of Trustees. He continued the emphasis on academic excellence, student life and the discipleship experience. On May 18, 2024, Dr. Joshua Crockett became the sixth president of the University. Among his initial priorities are further enhancing the student experience and growing the University.

What was once a college of 88 students and three majors is now a university with 2,500 resident students from 49 states and 36 countries and over 100 undergraduate and graduate residents in online programs. BJU has long had a reputation for challenging academics, as evidenced by graduates’ success. For example, BJU graduates’ medical school acceptance rates average from 80 to 100%, double the national average. Last year, nursing graduates achieved a 97.8% pass rate on the NCLEX-RN exam, while engineering students attained an 86% pass rate on the national Foundations of Engineering exam.

Opportunities for students include choirs and instrumental groups, a student newspaper, academic-related associations, a community service council, a student leadership council, residence hall leadership, involvement in social activities, ministry opportunities, and intramural and intercollegiate athletic competition. Every year BJU continues its tradition of producing high-quality Shakespearean plays, operas, musicals, and other fine arts events.

BJU regularly pursues chapel themes that have a discipleship or doctrinal emphasis so that the students receive instruction that affects both what they believe and how they are to live. Students also take 15 credits in Bible during their college experience. Many students participate regularly in outreach ministries and community projects.

BJU offers students a total student experience package known as the BJU Premium — learning and living experiences focused on experiential learning and student success rooted in our Christian liberal arts mission and our cultural emphasis and relevant to current ministry and workplace opportunities.

Components of Student Development

Bob Jones University exists to provide a liberal arts education with a thoroughly biblical worldview that inspires students to develop lifelong habits of pursuing learning, loving and leading.

Our shared authority is the Bible, God’s inspired and sufficient Word (2 Tim. 3:14–17; 2 Pet. 1:19–21). Because God inspired the Bible, it contains no errors and can be trusted to provide infallible guidance (John 10:35). Consequently, we submit ourselves to the Bible’s instruction (Ps. 119:4), including its directions for living together in a Christian community. Therefore, our vision for student development is Word-centered. It can be summarized in three words: grace, structure and virtue.

Grace: What is the Foundation?

God graciously orchestrates this growth through “ordinary” means. The heart of discipleship is helping one another grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior through His Word (Acts 20:32; Rom. 15:4), prayer (Eph. 6:18; Heb. 4:16) and actively participating in the life of the church (Eph. 4:15–16, 29; Heb. 10:24–25). Therefore, we aim to be a community saturated in Christ’s redeeming grace to walk worthy of our calling (Eph. 4:1).

Discipleship is the biblical process of maturing believers into Christlike servants. Christ-centered discipleship is impossible without grasping the scriptural process of sanctification. The believer’s responsibility to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ is found in the Bible’s commands. Enablement to be transformed into that image is found in God’s provision of grace — dynamic power to do God’s will.

Structure: What are the Expectations?

In addition to a pervasive acknowledgment of dependence on God’s grace, our educational approach has an intentional structure. Through curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs, we attempt to cultivate a way of life that challenges potential and points our students toward following Christ. Life skills and positive habits are nurtured through high expectations. Our primary motivation is not mere compliance with regulations but long-term spiritual success.

Part of what distinguishes our educational philosophy is lovingly holding one another accountable to fulfill our responsibilities in dependence on God. Accountability is intended to be a form of encouragement and support to obedience. Faculty and staff are involved in students’ lives, and students are involved in each other’s lives. The campus community pledges to help each other grow and hold each other accountable with the goal of encouraging the spiritual success of every individual on campus.

Virtue: What is the Goal?

Structure and discipline provide protection, direction and accountability — but are not themselves the point. Our goal is student development, including intellectual, social and spiritual growth.

Christian virtue provides a portrait of this growth toward the likeness of Christ — His knowledge, values and character. The virtues we seek to develop are shaped first by Scripture and in many ways are distinctive in our contemporary context. These virtues necessarily develop in tandem, not isolation, and do so for the glory of God, the good of others and the flourishing of an individual life. They can be summarized as godliness, love, humility, integrity, diligence, purity and patience.

To summarize, we are committed to obeying our heavenly Father in response to the death and resurrection of His Son in the power of His Spirit. We affirm this commitment, recognizing that our flesh is weak and that we will often need the cleansing and forgiveness that God promises to those who confess their sins and repent (1 John 1:9). We strive to obey, not with slavish fear of a vindictive Master but with joy in the God who loved us first (1 John 4:19). Because He died for us in love, we are compelled to live for Him (2 Cor. 5:14–15).

Student Policies

Accomplishing the educational mission of BJU requires an edifying campus atmosphere and an environment that promotes spiritual growth. Our code of conduct cannot produce Christlikeness; however, it reflects what Scripture describes as wise and virtuous and what helps mature a Christian for faithful service.

Core Principles

Personal Discipline

The structure at BJU encourages personal discipline. Reflecting Christ demands Spirit-empowered moderation and discipline (Gal. 5:23). No pursuit is more worthwhile than conditioning oneself for eternity (1 Cor. 9:24–27; 1 Tim. 4:7–8). This self-control entails submitting our impulses (e.g., anger) and fleshly habits (e.g., laziness) to the renewing influence of God’s Spirit.

Self-discipline also includes stewardship. In other words, reflecting Christ involves wisely using the time, talents and material possessions God gives us to His glory (Prov. 3:9).

Other evidences of self-discipline, such as punctuality, cleanliness and preparedness, are also important qualities. But Christian virtue extends well beyond initiative and responsibility. Christlikeness relates to God and others. Therefore, built on top of the need for personal discipline are several other principles that shape expectations for our educational community: loving respect, integrity and purity.

Loving Respect

A Christian university such as BJU provides a unique setting in which to live out the blood-bought unity we enjoy in Christ. Successful community life requires a spirit of mutual humility, love and consideration.

Respect for Each Other

Scripture commands us to esteem others as more significant than ourselves (Phil. 2:3). Therefore, we obey God by showing sacrificial consideration for the well-being of those around us regardless of appearance, age, ethnicity, gender, ability or spiritual maturity.

This respect includes speaking the truth in love, which is not optional for believers (James 5:12). Believers converse in ways that build up instead of tear down, including wholesome language that avoids profanity and euphemisms (Eph. 4:29; 5:4). 

Furthermore, BJU is committed to maintaining a living, learning and working environment free of bullying. Bullying is generally defined as the act of one or more individuals intimidating one or more persons through verbal, physical, mental or written interactions. Bullying can take many forms and occur in virtually any setting, including verbal, physical, relational, and electronic through email, internet, or mobile phones.

In addition, bullying on the basis of race, color, age, sex, national or ethnic origin, protected disability or veteran status, and for married students, medical needs arising from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition may also be a violation of the BJU Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

Respect for Authority

Reflecting Christ entails walking in humility and choosing to submit to others (1 Pet. 5:5). God’s written authority, the Bible, teaches that He also exercises authority through several kinds of human leadership. The primary biblical authority structures are the family (Eph. 5:22–33; Deut. 6:7–9), government (Rom. 13:1–7) and church (Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:7, 17).

At BJU we commit ourselves to obey the God-given authorities in our lives (Heb. 13:7, 17). We honor the regulations that pertain to us as an American institution of higher education. Furthermore, BJU supports the discipleship efforts of Bible-believing churches and Christian families, in part through providing a structured environment that promotes biblical Christian living. A student accepts BJU’s authority voluntarily by signing the student covenant and indicating his or her intent to contribute to an edifying environment with a cooperative spirit and to abide by the University’s policies.

Respect for the Orthodox Beliefs of Others

The BJU Creed highlights the fundamentals of the faith. Based on these essentials, we strive to maintain unity among the student body. In the interest of this unity and in love and respect for each other, there is to be no proselytizing based on theological interpretations, such as Calvinism and Arminianism. 

Respect for God

Ultimately, our reverence belongs to the Lord. Therefore, sacrilegious behavior of any kind—including T-shirt slogans, music, etc., that show disrespect or irreverence toward God or His Word—is inappropriate at BJU.


Another key principle in both this environment, and all others, is integrity. The need for integrity is rooted in one of God’s core attributes—His trustworthiness (Exod. 34:6–7). The Lord is faithful in all His works (Ps. 111:7). Integrity at BJU includes principled, Spirit-enabled choices instead of deceitful, selfish behavior such as dishonesty, theft and cheating. Furthermore, because God expects us to practice justice (Micah 6:8), we value truthful relationships and ethical processes.


Reflecting Christ also means displaying God’s distinctive character in grateful response to Christ’s costly redemption (1 Pet. 1:15–19). Holiness entails separation from the godless “world” system (1 John 2:15–17; Ezra 6:21) by discerning where one’s culture reflects evil values. By living holy, separated lives, we publicly proclaim that only He is worth loving and following.

One of the primary ways we pursue holiness is through moral purity. In calling us to purity, God forbids viewing sexuality as a means of exploiting others (1 Thess. 4:1–8). This means honoring God’s design for sex, celebrating and practicing it only within the marriage relationship between one man and one woman for a lifetime. Since what we do springs from how we think (Mark 7:20–23), this commitment also means controlling what one allows him or herself to view and read (Matt. 5:27–30) and petitioning God’s Spirit to purify one’s thoughts, motives and actions.

Finally, in order not to fit in comfortably with the world and to subject ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s control instead of substances, our commitment to purity extends to a prohibition against the use of alcohol and illegal drugs, the abuse of prescription drugs or smoking, vaping or tobacco.

Church Participation

BJU is an orthodox, historic fundamentalist, nondenominational Christian liberal arts university that teaches and promotes a biblically conservative philosophy of ministry and worship on our campus. The New Testament presentation of a maturing believer includes commitment to a local congregation of believers covenanted together around the study of the Word of God and the proclamation of the Gospel (Matt. 26:26–29; 28:18–20; Eph. 4:1–6). Faithful attendance of a local church community is not only essential as a core value of a BJU education, it is essential for a lifetime of spiritual growth through providing opportunities for fellowship, learning and service.

Students should worship and serve at a church which holds doctrinal beliefs and theological positions aligned with Scripture and reflected in the doctrinal beliefs, theological positions and spiritual values of BJU.

Church Selection

In the maturing process of every young adult, there is a process of transferring responsibility. There are certain key decisions where this transfer must be very tangible and requires conversation. Choosing a local church during a student’s collegiate years is one of them. We believe this is such an important decision that we ask every first-year student at BJU to have their parents participate in and validate their church choice. At the end of their first semester, students and their parents will inform the Student Life office of their church choice. Because a large percentage of our students come from independent Baptist and Bible churches that are considered to be conservative or fundamental, we assist new-comers to the Greenville area in finding churches with similar philosophy and practice by providing a representative church list of regional churches that are in general alignment with our philosophy. Returning students do not require parent’s validation if they are returning to a church that they have previously committed to attend via the Local Church Commitment Form.

Within a 20-mile radius of the BJU campus, there are hundreds of gospel-preaching churches. It is not possible for the University to have a complete understanding of all of these churches, and therefore it is not practical for us to attempt to put them all on one list. For example, there may be churches with denominational affiliations that have a biblical philosophy of ministry and worship that are not on the representative church list. There are also some churches where there are practical differences with the campus practice of BJU. Therefore, we want to ensure that parents are aware of these differences, so we ask for parental affirmation of the church's choice in these cases. Students can register for the church they are attending using the Church Life Application. Any student wanting to attend a church that is not on the representative list is required to submit a new Church Review Request that can also be submitted through the Church Life application. The Church Review request must be submitted and reviewed before the student can attend a church that is not on the representative list.

Students may not attend churches that are in clear conflict with the philosophical position of BJU because of major doctrinal/theological differences (e.g., liberal theology or an attractional worship model).

For a fuller explanation of BJU’s philosophical position, read our foundational philosophy documents. You can also visit our Church Matters canvas course for more explanation.

Church Attendance

It is our hope that students will not merely attend a church but will become active participants in the body life of a local church that they attach themselves to. To assist in that process, students are expected to attend all the Sunday morning activities of the local church that they have chosen to attend, plus an additional worship service, midweek prayer meeting or small group as their church offers them. A student may have up to four absences from weekly attendance requirements each semester for illness or travel. (Students who serve in Sunday morning nursing home ministries may consider that ministry equivalent to participating in their churches’ Sunday morning service.)

Students will record church attendance online weekly. Intentional absences from local church worship will be addressed directly as an absence from a required event and corrected. Ultimately, students who show a pattern of disregard for local church attendance may be asked not to return for the following semester.

The Lord’s Day

Sunday is a day when New Testament believers gather for corporate worship as a commemoration and celebration of the resurrection. It is a day to honor the Lord by gathering with His people for worship and fellowship. Our weekday campus schedule is intentionally adjusted to encourage involvement in worship, spiritual growth, ministry and fellowship. The University does not schedule classes on Sundays and limits other types of scheduled activities. The Activity Center and ballfields remain open from noon to curfew to provide opportunities for social interaction, fellowship and physical refreshment.

Outreach Ministries

Reflecting Christ involves fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18–20) — ministering to a person’s greatest need by telling him or her the good news of a Savior in the power of the Spirit (Mark 10:21; Acts 1:8). Therefore, we embrace God’s call to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Because BJU is a fundamental Christian institution and serves the needs of partner churches and ministries, do not obligate yourself to any service or ministry without knowing its affiliations. If you have questions about an organization, discuss them with the director of the Center for Global Opportunities.

Children’s Ministries

Be careful to be above reproach in all interactions with children. All events with children should be held in public view or in a well-supervised location. No student should be alone with a child, and physical contact should never be made inappropriately.

To ensure students understand how to interact with children appropriately, all students participate in Sexual Abuse Awareness Training their first year at the University. A certificate indicating successful training completion will be required by two weeks after the training class for any student working with children. In addition, students should become familiar with and follow the University’s Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Abuse Reporting Policy and Procedure. Information will be provided in the one-and-a-half-hour training at the beginning of each academic year.

Sports Activities

Ministry groups supervising children and teens are welcome to bring them on campus to attend society sports competitions and intercollegiate games, but BJU’s recreational facilities are not available for outreach ministry activities.

Required Campus Events

Students are to arrive each semester during the published check-in times. Each semester officially begins at the Opening Exercises. The following events are required for students to attend. Work schedules are to be adjusted to allow students to attend required events before classes begin:

First Semester

  • Semester Opening:
    • Monday-Wednesday evening: Opening Exercises/Evangelistic Services
    • Tuesday morning: Student Seminar/chapel
    • Wednesday: Classes begin
  • Semester Closing:
    • Students leave after the closing chapel on Tuesday or after their last final exam or work obligation, whichever is later.

Second Semester

  • Semester Opening:
    • Tuesday morning: student seminar - (new and returning students only)
    • Tuesday-Wednesday evening: Opening Exercises/Evangelistic Service
    • Wednesday: Classes begin
  • Semester Closing:
    • Students who are not graduating may leave after the awards ceremony
    • Graduates may leave after Commencement.


For specific dates and times of required events for the current year see the Calendar of Events,, or the Student Life course on Canvas. The Calendar of Events contains required events and all other calendar information.

Students are to vacate the residence halls 20 minutes before Concert, Opera & Drama Series programs, all Bible Conference services and other required evening programs on campus.

Event When
Opening Exercises and Evangelistic Meeting Services Evenings, First week of each semester
Opening Week Student Seminars Tuesday morning of first week each semester
Chapel Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 11 a.m.
Discipleship Groups

- First-Year Residence Halls: Mondays at 10:30 p.m.

- All Students: Thursdays at 11 a.m.

Society Induction Beginning of the fall semester after rush
Society Meetings Fridays at 11 a.m.
Concert, Opera & Drama Series (Artist Series) Evenings scheduled throughout both semesters
Living Gallery Thursday, Friday, Saturday prior to Easter
Bible Conference Tuesday-Friday in February
Presidential Leadership Series TBD

Commencement Activities (non-graduates)

  • Awards Ceremony
Spring semester following Final Exams

Commencement Activities (graduates)

  • Baccalaureate Service
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Commencement
Spring semester following Final Exams
Christian Community on Campus

Chapel typically meets in FMA on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. Discipleship groups meet on Thursdays at 11 a.m. and societies meet on Fridays at 11 a.m. Freshman Residence Hall discipleship groups have an additional meeting on Mondays at 10:30 p.m. Non First-Year Residence Hall discipleship groups will meet at their convenience.


Chapel provides an opportunity to receive exhortation from God’s Word and is, therefore, the highlight of our daily schedule. Each student is expected to have access to a Bible, to be attentive and to help others be attentive. Except for accessing a digital Bible or taking notes, using electronic devices is not appropriate. To avoid distraction, students are to keep personal spill-proof containers stowed in their backpacks and are not to bring disposable bottles and cups into FMA. This drink policy also applies to Rodeheaver Auditorium (RA) and War Memorial Chapel (WMC).


Societies are designed to encourage productive, cooperative and godly relationships that display Christlike character. At the beginning of the student’s first semester, he or she establishes membership with a society after the society rush period. The rush period each semester provides a time for new students to get a feel for what each society is like before they join a society. Membership gives the students the chance to develop leadership skills through officer positions and others-serving relationships through outreaches, outings, intramural sports and prayer meetings. Students who are married or are 23 years old may request to opt out of society membership at the Center for Leadership Development (CLD) in The Den.

Discipleship Group

Discipleship Groups create the opportunity to build edifying relationships in the context of regular fellowship, accountability, and encouragement. Students meet weekly in small groups led by group leaders (GLs) and assistant groups leaders (AGLs) to discuss biblical truths and principles that apply to their daily lives and to spend time in prayer together. All students meet Thursday mornings at 11 in their discipleship group. Day students may join a day student group or sign up for a group in the residence hall. Freshman Residence hall discipleship groups also meet Monday evenings at 10:30. If there is a special need for extra rest, Freshmen residence hall students are to check with their residence hall supervisor or mentor before going to bed early and missing a group meeting. Non First-Year Residence Hall discipleship groups will meet at their convenience.

Christian Growth Assessments and Self-Evaluation

BJU’s mission is to help each student develop Christlike character. An effective Christian testimony and mature social adjustment, along with strong interpersonal relationships with others, are key indicators of how well individuals are growing spiritually and how well they are developing Christlike character. 

To help students evaluate their development in these areas, during the fall semester, students complete a self-check, which serves as an opportunity to observe growth and identify areas of need. Students discuss their self-check with a mentor (e.g., residence hall leader, faculty/staff member, society officer, church member, or parent).

During the spring semester, residence hall students complete and submit a self-evaluation, which helps them evaluate their own personal growth and testimony. The assessment also provides an opportunity for students to contribute to leadership selections and assists the Student Life team as they plan discipleship emphases for the following year. Questions regarding student evaluations may be directed to residence hall supervisors or the Student Life office.

Required Event Attendance Policies

Students are to attend chapel, discipleship group, or society at 11 o’clock Monday through Friday. Students are to bring their ID card to record attendance at these required events and all evening required events.

Students arriving at a required event more than 15 minutes late will be considered absent. Students leaving early without prior approval will be considered absent.

Request to be Away from a Required Event

All absences from required campus events require prior approval by securing an approved exemption through

See Social Life Off-Campus for Requests to be Away Overnights.

One-Time Request to be Away
Reason Notes
Regular Work:

Students are responsible for arranging their work schedule in advance to ensure that they are able to attend required evening events. Students with a fixed work schedule are eligible to miss two required evening events each semester.

A fixed schedule is one where the weekly work times are exactly the same every week of the semester without variation. For example, a work schedule that changes every three weeks is not permanently set.


If missing classes for illness students may be exempt from 11 o’clock and evening required activities.

Chronic Illness:

Chronic or extended illness, surgery and medical emergencies

*A student who is able to attend classes is expected to also attend other required events that day*

Day students submit a request on

Resident Hall students reach out to supervisors for permission to miss prior to activity if possible

Any student who has a contagious illness, i.e. flu, covid, must have contact the Office of Student Health( Please see the contagious illness policy

Prior to approval, student will meet with Office of Student Health( Doctor’s note is required.

Outreach ministry:

Regularly scheduled outreach ministry

Students who regularly participate and who are an integral part (The ministry cannot continue if they do not attend.) may be exempt from required evening activities and will count as 1 of 2 absences.

Special Occasions:

Out of town travel

Attending a wedding or funeral


Unusual Events:

Job interviews

Doctors’ appointments

Should not be scheduled during required activities. When this cannot be avoided a limited absence may be granted. (2 per semester)

Official Service:

Participating in university-sponsored events

Officially representing the University

Participating in intercollegiate teams

Military duty requirements

Responding to administrative requests

If a required activity will be missed for official service, the administrator or dean will submit the exemption request to Student Life.

No classes/classes cancelled

A one-time exemption will be granted to Day Students for the 11 o’clock required event any day that they do not have classes.
Limited Absences

Dental or medical appointments are not to conflict with required events, however, a student is eligible for two limited chapel/discipleship group/society absences each semester for uncommon reasons such as job interviews, doctor appointments, and service opportunities (not, for example, studying, sleeping or extra work hours).

Recurring Exemptions

Students may be eligible for a recurring exemption from chapel, discipleship group or society meetings. Students may submit the request through our Away Application, and should secure approval prior to missing the required event.

A student on campus during the chapel hour is expected to attend chapel/discipleship group/society, even if he or she has an approved exemption. 

Qualifications for Recurring Exemptions for 11 o’clock Required Activities

Residence Hall Students
Qualifications Notes

Off campus work and no classes between 9:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

With these qualifications, residence hall students may be exempt from the 11 o’clock activity one day of the week, every week of the semester.

Students must attend the other 4 days of the week.

A student may not combine this absence with other chapel/discipleship group/society absences (for work, practicums or internships)

Work and no classes between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

On days a student has no classes, he may be exempt

On campus work

A student who works on campus may have a recurring exemption one day a week regardless of his class schedule.

Day Students
Qualifications Notes

No classes between 9:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Day students may be exempt from the 11 o’clock activity one day of the week, every week of the semester.

Students must attend the other 4 days of the week.

A student may not combine this absence with other chapel/discipleship group/society absences (for work, practicums, or internships)

On-campus work

A student who works on campus may have a recurring exemption one day a week regardless of his class schedule.

No scheduled classes

On days with no scheduled classes, day students are not required to drive to campus to attend the 11 o’clock activity.

Part-time student taking 7–11 credits

Attend 11 o’clock activities only two days a week.

Part-time students are to submit the exemption request at the beginning of the semester to reflect their attendance plans.

If the student is a society officer, they may not be exempt from society.

Required Activities for Part-time Students (7-11 credit hours)

Activity Requirement Notes
11 o’clock required activities (chapel/discipleship group/society) Required to attend only two days a week.

Submit the exemption request at at the beginning of the semester to reflect attendance plans.

If a society officer, a student may not be exempt from society.

Artist Series

Presidential Leadership

Not required but encouraged to attend. If not attending, the part-time student will need to submit an exemption request on
Bible Conference Required to attend Attend as many services as credit hours you are taking.

No Campus Responsibility (NCR) Students

As a non-traditional student, NCR students are classified as having no campus responsibilities. This means that they are not required to attend any of the required campus events (see chart) unless required by the student’s academic program or employment status (GAs). Therefore, NCR students do not need to submit requests to be away for any of these events.

Concert, Opera & Drama Series program tickets are available to NCR students if they choose to attend.

NCR students should attend any Bible Conference services that meet during a time that the student would typically attend a class. 

NCR prospective graduates who are taking classes during the spring semester and are receiving their degree in May are to attend the Baccalaureate and Legacy Ceremony and to participate in Commencement.

NCR students who are connected to the on-campus community through resident coursework, campus rental housing or BJU, Inc. or BJUEG employment are still to abide by the campus community policies.

To be classified as an NCR student, you must be a day student (off-campus or campus rental agreement) and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • 25 or older
Family Obligation
  • Married
  • Has been married
  • Has one or more children at home
Degree Program
  • Has completed a bachelor's degree
  • Is enrolled in only a distance term (i.e. grad, postgrad, online only, off-campus classroom, etc.)
  • Enrolled in 6 or fewer credits

Academic Life

BJU professors teach classes from a biblical worldview and to the highest academic standards. Students are to attend each class for which they are registered and are expected to apply the appropriate time and energy necessary to earn the best possible grade in each class. In addition, students are expected to respect both professors and fellow students and exhibit deportment that helps create a positive learning environment in each classroom.

Academic Resources

BJU wants all students to achieve their highest academic potential and makes faculty and academic support resources available to assist each student in meeting his or her academic goals. Students, however, are ultimately responsible for their own academic success and should take the initiative to ask for assistance as needed. 

Faculty — Students needing assistance with a specific course should first seek the help of the professor. Maintaining continued contact with a professor and staying informed of one’s academic status in a course is highly recommended. 

Academic advisor — Each student has an academic advisor who is knowledgeable about the major the student is pursuing and available to help the student plan his or her semester course sequence, course load and class schedule. In addition, the advisor is available to counsel students on all matters related to being a college student — including career and ministry choices as well as life issues. 

Academic Resource Center — The Academic Resource Center in the Alumni Building provides academic counseling — including counseling in how to study to succeed in college — coaching and transitional advising, opportunities to make up tests and quizzes, tutor referrals, help with individual learning challenges, and assistance with the use of instructional media and technology. 

Academic deans and registrar — Both a student’s academic dean and the registrar are available to help a student explore academic options and evaluate goals in light of ACT and/or SAT scores and current academic progress. They can also help students understand GPA requirements for graduation. 

Career Services — Career Services in the Alumni Building offers students guidance and information pertaining to career/internship opportunities, professional development and resume writing. 

Libraries — The Mack Library provides approximately 400,000 print and electronic books and periodicals, space for individual or group study and access to extensive additional resources through PASCAL (Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) and interlibrary loan. A separate Music Library in the Gustafson Fine Arts Center provides books, scores, audio recordings, periodicals and other reference materials for researching musical works. 

Relationships in the Classroom

BJU students are brothers and sisters in Christ and should treat one another with respect both inside and outside the classroom.

While professors are in a position of authority in the classroom, students and professors are also brothers and sisters in Christ and in the event of some form of disagreement should approach one another respectfully and in accordance with biblical principles. Appropriate discourse in a reasoned fashion is part of the education process, and strong opinions informed by fact, logic, spiritual maturity and biblical insight are valued. At the same time, disagreement over ideas and other academic issues can occur. Students are not only welcome but invited to discuss any matter with their professors. In particular, if a student wishes to discuss an area of disagreement with a professor, he or she should go directly to that professor outside of class and respectfully present his or her concerns without fear of academic penalty. Airing complaints publicly in venues such as social media is not an appropriate means of resolving an issue.

Class Conduct

Appropriate class conduct is a matter of self-control. Students are expected to be attentive in class. Talking, reading, studying other materials, texting and sleeping are inappropriate. Students using a laptop or handheld device should do so only for functions the professor deems pertinent to that particular class (e.g., not for answering email, gaming, browsing the internet, participating in social media sites or working on assignments for other classes). Water and other beverages in covered containers may be brought into the classroom at the discretion of the professor.

Academic Integrity

In their academic lives, students exhibit integrity by being truthful about their own academic work and properly acknowledging sources of ideas and information.

Copyrighted Material

All original works in any media format — including but not limited to print, video or audio, as well as images or materials on the internet — are protected by copyright law, regardless of whether a specific copyright statement is attached to the media. Any duplication that does not fall within the guidelines of fair use requires permission from the publishing agent or copyright owner. Please see the BJU copyright guidelines for information regarding fair use.


Cheating in any form is not tolerated. Cheating includes:

  • Copying from another student’s test or assignment.
  • Unauthorized provision or use of notes or other help on a test or assignment, such as requesting or accepting answers on a quiz or test from another student who has already taken it, discussing test information to any extent with other students, transmitting quizzes or tests or answers to quizzes or tests electronically to other students via cell phone, email, etc.
  • Changing answers after a test or assignment has been completed.

Reporting false information about the completion of an assignment, including turning in someone’s work as one’s own (another student’s, a purchased paper from an online source, etc.).

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is any tool that generates responses to questions, provides arguments for a statement or creates content. As such, AI could be used in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy. Improper use of AI could include the following.

  • Use of an AI tool to generate or refine any part of a response to a test or assignment without the express permission of the professor.
  • Use of a technical tool (AI tools, calculator, spelling checker, grammar aids, translation software, etc.) for any portion of an assignment submitted as one’s own work without the explicit permission of the professor.
  • Unauthorized use of a cell phone, smart watch, ear buds/device, etc. during in-class assessments.
  • Reporting false information about the completion of an assignment, including work generated or refined in part or in whole by an AI tool.
  • Using an AI tool as a resource to generate ideas, thoughts, or content on an assignment without the explicit permission of the professor.
  • Using an AI tool as a resource to complete an assignment without acknowledging/citing the contribution of the AI tool.


Another form of cheating is plagiarism, the intentional or unintentional use to any degree of the ideas or words of one’s source material without proper acknowledgement.

Plagiarism typically takes two forms:

Substantial — Failure to acknowledge the use of an author’s ideas or organization by footnote or identification of the source in the text of the paper. Incomplete paraphrase (mere rearrangement of syntax and substitution of synonyms for the author’s words) is plagiarism.

Verbal — Failure to acknowledge the use of an author’s words by quotation marks, as well as by footnote or identification in the text.

Plagiarism is theft, and the Scriptures are clear that we are to respect the property of others and to be honest and above reproach in all things (Exod. 20:15; Rom. 12:17; Heb. 13:18). Regardless of the source being used (internet site, book, database, magazine, newspaper, computer program, speech, class notes, handouts, etc.), all words and information from those sources must be presented accurately and acknowledged properly so that a student’s integrity is not called into question and his or her testimony harmed.

Plagiarism checking — Students should be aware that faculty members have access to software programs that allow them to check student writing for plagiarism.


Faculty members report alleged incidents of cheating and plagiarism to the academic integrity committee, which consists of two faculty members, two student leaders and a representative of the office of the provost. This committee holds a hearing, makes a judgment and, if necessary, assigns an academic penalty. The committee gives special consideration to students who self-report a violation to their professor.

Penalties for cheating are usually academic, ranging from a zero on an assignment to being removed from and failing a course. Cheating on a final exam or multiple cheating offenses may result in disciplinary penalties up to and including suspension from the University.

A more detailed summary of the academic integrity policy is available on the intranet. A student who is dissatisfied with the committee’s decision may appeal in writing to the provost.

Class Attendance Policy

The University’s mission includes instilling professionalism, dependability, and punctuality in students. Training students in these virtues is accomplished in part by holding students accountable for their class attendance. The Class Attendance Policy makes clear to students expectations in regard to class attendance and the consequences of failure to fulfill these academic responsibilities. This policy also gives direction to the administration and faculty in formulating and implementing a reasonable structure for such accountability. Student success is largely dependent on frequent and positive interactions with faculty; therefore, this policy is also designed to strengthen this essential relationship.

The University recognizes that there are valuable learning experiences outside of the classroom that may require a student to miss regularly scheduled classes. Therefore, this policy makes provision for Service Absences.

Student Responsibilities

Undergraduate students are expected to attend and arrive on time for all scheduled class sessions for each course in which they are enrolled, including final exams. Students are to use effective time management to meet their class attendance responsibilities.

Personal Absences

Based on the number of times that a course meets each week during a semester, students are permitted a defined number of Personal Absences. The chart below defines the number of permitted Personal Absences.

Students apply Personal Absences for funerals, sickness, doctor’s or dentist’s appointments, visits and interviews at graduate schools, or interviews for future employment. Personal Absences are not “skips.” Personal Absences are not provided so that students can prepare for other classes or extend official university breaks or simply because they do not feel well. Students should use Personal Absences only for genuine emergencies or contagious or debilitating illness. To conserve Personal Absences, students should work to intentionally schedule appointments during times when they do not have classes or chapel.

Students who are withdrawn from courses due to excess class absences may lose student financial aid; also, in such circumstances, the visa status of international students may be jeopardized.

Class meetings per week 1 2 3 4 5
Personal Absences Allowed 1 2 3 4 5

Service Absences

Based on the number of times that a course meets each week during a semester, students are also permitted a defined number of Service Absences. Students may use these absences to attend approved academic functions or conferences, approved Christian service projects, required military duty or as part of an intercollegiate athletic team. However, students who exceed the Personal Absence limit due to a chronic illness are not eligible to participate in events that require Service Absences. Also, students who are on any type of academic restriction (including probation) or who have a current grade report with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 are not eligible to participate in events that require Service Absences. The chart below defines the number of permitted Service Absences.

Students should understand that they may not have enough Service Absences to participate in all the events that are offered in the courses and activities in which they are participating in a particular semester. Such a circumstance offers students the opportunity to learn that life at times will force them to make a choice between more than one desirable option. In such a situation, students are not permitted to exceed the number of permitted Service Absences for the course, and so they must choose which service events they wish to participate in.

Students who participate in an event requiring a Service Absence are required to notify their instructors at least one week in advance of the day of the absence that they intend to take a Service Absence. This notification will give time for the student and instructor to plan makeup work ahead of the absence. Such students will be allowed to take any quiz or test either in advance of the absence or while traveling (with proper supervision by the faculty sponsor/ coach). Such students are responsible to schedule presentations or speeches on days they know they will not be traveling. Whether to allow students participating in these events to submit work after the due date without penalty is left to the instructor’s discretion.

Class meetings per week 1 2 3 4 5
Service Absences Allowed 1 3 4 5 7

Partial Attendance

Students who arrive up to 15 minutes after the start of class or who leave class up to 15 minutes early will receive a mark for partial attendance. Three partial attendance marks will count as a Personal Absence. Students who miss more than 15 minutes of a class period will be counted as absent.

Tracking Absences

Students can view absences and the number of partial attendance marks that they have for a course in the student information system. The student information system also automatically sends emails to students to inform them when faculty have marked them absent or late for a class and to warn them when they have exhausted their Personal Absences, Service Absences or both. It is the responsibility of all students to monitor the record of their class attendance available in the student information system and to read the automated emails that inform them when instructors have marked them absent or late.

Chronic Illness

Students who have a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes, asthma, migraines, etc.) and are absent from classes because of prolonged or recurring symptoms:

  • Secure a doctor’s note stating that they have a chronic illness;
  • Present the note to Student Health Services in advance or within two business days of returning to classes after an illness-related absence;
  • Inform instructors in their courses that they have a chronic condition.

For future absences because of the same chronic illness, the student is to notify his or her instructor and email The Student Services Hub the following information within 24 hours of a missed class:

  • Name and ID #;
  • A statement indicating that the reason for the absence is a chronic condition with a doctor’s note already on file;
  • Date and class(es) missed.

Students with a chronic illness are to keep their class absences to a minimum. Students with chronic illnesses may use the total of both Personal Absences and Service Absences. However, students who exceed the Personal Absence limit due to a chronic illness are not eligible for participation in events that require Service Absences. Students who exceed the total of both Personal Absences and Service Absences will be withdrawn from the course(s) and/or the University.

Doctor’s notes for chronic illness are valid for the current academic year. For continuing illness, a new note is required each academic year.

Accountability and Appeal Policy and Procedures


Students who exceed the permitted number of Personal and/or Service Absences in a course will be withdrawn from that course:

  • Withdrawal Due to Exceeding Personal Absences: Students who exceed the number of Personal Absences in a course will be withdrawn from that course. Students and their instructors will be notified that they have exceeded the number of permitted Personal Absences and that they have therefore been withdrawn from that course. There are only two exceptions to this policy:
    • The student is absent from a class due to chronic illness verified by a note from a doctor. In this case, the student will be permitted to use one or more remaining Service Absences. See above for additional policy and procedures regarding chronic illness.
    • The student is absent from a class due to tragedy such as the funeral of a close family member. In this case, the student will be permitted to use one or more remaining Service Absences.
  • Withdrawal Due to Exceeding Service Absences: When students exceed the number of permitted Service Absences for a course, one of their remaining Personal Absences will automatically be used to cover the absence. However, students who are absent from class after they have exhausted both the Personal Absences and Service Absences available for that course will be withdrawn from the course.
  1. Absences: Because absences are a serious issue and may result in withdrawal, students should carefully monitor their absences and immediately clear up inaccuracies in their attendance records. Students may request a review of the accuracy of absences or partial attendance marks directly with the instructor for the course within two business days of being notified of the absence or partial attendance.
  2. Course Withdrawal: When a student is notified of withdrawal from a course, the student may seek to be reinstated in the course by talking with the instructor. The procedure in this case includes the following steps. Within two business days of being notified of the withdrawal, the student should complete the Course Reinstatement Appeal form that is available on the intranet and email it to the instructor. During this type of appeal, the student should continue to attend class. The instructor will respond to the appeal by email within 24 hours and will copy the registrar on his response. If the instructor denies the appeal, the registrar will withdraw the student from the course. If the instructor grants the appeal, the registrar will rescind the withdrawal, permitting one more absence.
  3. Registrar Appeal: Students who wish to appeal the decision of the instructor of a course in upholding their withdrawal may set up an appointment with the registrar within two business days of their withdrawal. During this type of appeal, the student should continue to attend class. The registrar will weigh extenuating circumstances but will also weigh the rationale of the instructor regarding the withdrawal.

Social Life

To help students experience long-term spiritual success, BJU desires that students develop Christ-honoring friendships and enjoy a rich social life that enhances their overall college experience as well as their preparation for life.

BJU asks students to exhibit maturity by being accountable for their activities. Policies regarding social life on and off campus assist in the academic, spiritual and social development of students. They are designed for these purposes:

Ensure safety — To help students exercise appropriate caution, BJU asks students to identify their locations and activities in some situations, such as staying elsewhere overnight.

Promote purity — BJU wants students to engage in wholesome social activities in settings that provide accountability for biblical requirements of purity.

Build Christ-honoring relationships — BJU desires that students have opportunities for building Christ-honoring relationships.

Physical Contact

On and off campus, there is to be no physical contact between unmarried men and women. (Side hugs are permitted for photographs.)

Social Life On Campus

Students may be together in any well-lit outside location from dawn until 10 minutes before curfew. Couples are not to socialize inside cars or inside the parking garage. The Activity Center, ballfields, sand volleyball courts, and Home Court are available to provide opportunities for social interaction, fellowship, and physical refreshment (hours available here). Students, including mixed groups of at least three, may meet at or near the pavilions for fellowship until 10 minutes before curfew. Couples should not be beyond Stadium View Drive and students should not be behind the residence halls of the opposite sex.

Student Center

For business hours, search under Business Hours on the intranet.

Classroom Buildings

Men and women students should guard their testimonies; they are not to be alone together in a classroom, rehearsal studio or other room; neither should they use another student’s ID card to gain access to a locked building. Classrooms in the Alumni Building, Gustafson Fine Arts Center and the biology labs in the Science Building are available for student use after 5 p.m. Students may reserve a room through the coordinator in each building, or groups may check in with the building host on the first floor after 5 p.m. for a room assignment.

Social Life Off-Campus

Residence Hall Students are to return to campus before curfew.

Day Curfew Time

11:00 p.m.

*First Year Residence Halls 10:30 p.m. on Monday nights

Friday 12:00 a.m.

Students must secure approval from the Student Life office or a residence hall supervisor to return after the regular curfew time.

Type of activity Approval needed Requirements
Staying off campus overnight Yes See Overnight Policies
Off-campus past curfew Yes See Off-Campus Policies
Working off campus past curfew Yes See Off-Campus Policies
With a fiancé(e) Yes

See Off-Campus Policies

See Overnight Policies

Going to a home No Chaperone who is a resident adult over 21 or BJU grad
Off-campus with a mixed group No Need at least three in the group
Overnight Policies

Residence hall students wishing to stay off campus overnight must submit an overnight exemption and obtain approval before leaving campus.

A student may:

  • Stay overnight with an immediate relative (parent, grandparent, sibling who is at least 21, aunt, uncle, first cousin [of the same gender]).
  • Stay overnight at the home of a faculty/staff family or GA/faculty/staff member of the same gender not living in a residence hall.
  • With parental and Student Life approval, spend six nights per semester at one local home of a married couple who are not immediate family. Students may submit a home for approval through two days before needing a pass. A Student Life representative will reach out to a parent to obtain approval for the student to go to the submitted home. Once the home has been approved, the student may create a “Parent-Approved Home” pass each time he/she would like to go to that home. The situation must meet each of the following criteria to receive approval:
  • Must be within a three-hour drive.
  • Must be the home of a married couple.
  • Must not create a mixed group.

Mixed groups (consisting of three or more men and women) must obtain approval for an overnight academic event with Student Life and have a faculty/staff member or GA chaperone.

All students who have permission to be off campus overnight must be away from campus by 11:00 p.m.

Juniors and Seniors may participate in overnight ministries if they have a specific ministry responsibility.

Freshmen and Sophomores may be eligible for an exception to participate in an overnight ministry, if the student will be ministering at a camp at which he or she worked the previous summer or with specific approval from the CGO.

Non-Overnight Policies

Mixed groups:

  • Mixed Groups consist of at least 3 students
  • Residence hall students may not be alone with a member of the opposite sex off campus.
  • Students in the group need to stay together.
  • Couples are not to separate from the group.

Those working off-campus should return to campus from work by curfew.

  • Freshmen students whose managerial responsibilities require them to work through discipleship groups on Mondays must get an exemption from their residence hall supervisor before committing to work that shift.
  • Residence hall students may work on Sunday only if they will be attending all Sunday morning activities of their local church and only if the job is vital to maintain on a Sunday (e.g. food services, hospital, security).
  • Students may not serve alcoholic beverages.
Engaged Couples

The following privileges apply when both students are juniors or seniors, are within twelve months of marriage, have registered their engagement by seeing their residence hall supervisor, and obtained parental approval.

  • May spend six nights per semester at the home of one of the parents.
  • May be off campus alone in a public place in the Greenville area with parental consent.
  • On and off campus, there is to be no physical contact between unmarried men and women. (Side hugs are permitted for photographs.)
Off-Campus Events and Venues

Concerts and Shows — Before purchasing tickets students should check with the School of Fine Arts and Communication office to ensure the event is approved. Permission from the Student Life office or a residence hall supervisor is required if the length of the event requires students to return after curfew.

Sunday events — In addition to participating in all of their church’s morning services, students are encouraged to use Sunday for spiritual renewal, fellowship, and rest. Residence hall students are to return by curfew.

Venues — Students are not to visit bars, taverns, or dance halls (swing, line, etc.) and should practice discernment in the venues they frequent.

Shopping — Students are not to visit businesses that specialize in adult gifts and party items.

Entertainment, Music and Technology

BJU’s mission is to help students develop Christlike virtue, and we therefore encourage students to make biblical decisions in the area of entertainment. BJU holds students responsible to select and participate in entertainment options — including music, movies, television, computer/video games, printed materials, the internet and social media — that honor Jesus Christ and edify both individual Christians and the Christian community. Students are to avoid any types of entertainment that could be considered immodest or that contain profanity, scatological realism, sexual perversion, erotic realism, lurid violence, occultism and false philosophical or religious assumptions. (See Appendix C for a biblical approach to evaluating objectionable elements in literature or entertainment.) BJU also encourages students to honor the Lord in how they spend their time and to carefully consider the desensitizing effects of excessive exposure to popular entertainment, even if the content itself is not objectionable.



As a Christian liberal arts university with a rich heritage of music and with a clear and established commitment to conservative musical style, we expect our students to think intentionally about their own decisions about music for the glory of God and the good of others.

Musical choices directly and indirectly affect our campus community life. Positively, all of our musical choices should be motivated by a love for God that desires to reflect His glory, be guided by love and respect for others and avoid worldliness by evidencing a desire to pursue Christlikeness.

Negatively, music with elements that elevate or celebrate unethical, immoral or sinful behavior should be avoided, and is, therefore, not permitted (Eph. 4:29-30; 1 John 2:15-16). This is a biblical boundary, and as such applies to personal listening, performances and use in other areas such as student organizations, societies, student productions, outreach ministries and social media.

General Music Policy

All musical choices are to be intentionally conservative in style and are to avoid the markers of our current corrupt culture. Because the following musical styles consistently express these markers, students should avoid rock, pop, jazz, country, rap and hip-hop.

We will apply these principles in our various contexts as follows:

Application in Public Settings
BJU Public Settings

Within our academic context, to appropriately appreciate, critique, create and participate in the art form, our students will acquire a familiarity with the development of music from the earliest civilizations to the present. This will include a working knowledge of a broad range of genres, some of which we as an institution choose to exclude from our worship and recreational contexts.


Worship Principles

Our musical choices for gathered worship should be doctrinally accurate, reverent expressions of the contrition, joy and hope that overflows from hearts of gratitude, adoration and humility in response to God that are well-suited for congregational singing.

In our campus worship contexts, we are strongly committed to using music that is distinctly Christian, is conservative in style, is distinct from worldliness, promotes unity on our campus and clearly reflects and evokes appropriate responses as we worship the One true and living God.

Campus Worship Policy

Applying these principles involves conscientiously limiting our musical choices to those which the vast majority of our community can sing and enjoy without distraction, allowing us to focus attention on the One whom we have gathered to worship. We will therefore avoid music in our gathered worship that is characterized by rock, pop, jazz, country, rap, or hip-hop elements.

Recreation and Campus Social Life

There are musical expressions that, while not intending to directly worship God, celebrate the good gifts of God. Music can capture all of these wonderful expressions. Therefore, for campus events outside of gathered worship — such as concerts, dramatic performances, sports events, society meetings and various celebrations — we will draw upon a wider range of musical expression than our gathered worship but within our General Music Policy guidelines as fits the occasion and context.

Application in Personal Setting

An important part of maturing as a believer is establishing personal values and boundaries that are in alignment with Scripture, that promote spiritual growth and holiness and that are within the boundaries of your own conscience. Further, maturing necessitates a sensitivity to those around us and their personal spiritual growth and conscience.

On campus

Due to the close residential nature of our environment and the divergence of backgrounds affecting the development of people’s conscience, all personal music choices, both secular and sacred, must adhere to all the guidelines expressed above under the General Music Policy.

Off campus

When listening to secular music off campus, students should abide by the General Music Policy stated above. Regarding sacred music, we recognize that students may attend a church in the Greenville area which uses a variety of styles in their worship services. Therefore, students may listen to the same style of worship music as their local church when off campus while abiding by the biblical boundary prohibiting music that elevates or celebrates unethical, immoral or sinful behavior, functioning with a biblically informed conscience, considering the conscience of others and respecting their personal testimony.


Residence hall supervisors and faculty are available to answer any questions about the appropriateness of specific music (including in computer games and movies), but individual students are responsible as maturing Christians to ensure their music choices meet campus community standards.

To promote an academic and constructive community environment, headphones should not be used in classrooms, chapel, church, or public assemblies.

The issues involved in the discussion about the wise use of music are challenging, but we must not avoid these issues because they are difficult. Nor can we dismiss them as mere matters of preference. These issues call for scripturally informed, prayerful, disciplined consideration regarding our musical choices in any given context, and we must be willing to do the necessary work to arrive at biblically sound answers.

To gain a fuller understanding of our musical expectations, you are directed to this foundational document which sets forth our understanding of the purposes and value of music in the Christian life and provides a helpful framework for our campus community to explore and enjoy music to the glory of God. We are using the framework of virtue, expedience, appropriateness, and artistry as detailed in this foundational document to frame our musical policies.


The term “dance” includes forms of choreography, types of cheering or celebration and historical dancing (often used in productions). In general, these forms of dance can be appropriate in a Christian higher education setting and are permitted. However, many forms of modern dance and the music to which they are performed violate biblical principles due to their expressions of worldliness or sexually provocative nature. Dancing that contains these elements is prohibited.


Movies and television programming can provide wholesome entertainment, helpful instruction or profound insight into life and human behavior. However, much of what is and has been produced by the entertainment industry reflects views, lifestyles and modes of communication which are in direct opposition to a Christ-centered life. Such visual content exerts a worldly pull on Christians trying to develop Christlikeness that compounds with continued exposure over time.

Students may view PG-rated movies and movie trailers and TV-PG television programming in both homes and the residence halls. Unrated content (including original series on streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime or Netflix) frequently contains objectionable content that has not been cut to meet rating standards and is not appropriate. Students are not to attend a movie of any rating in a public theater during a semester in which they are enrolled. This includes when away from campus overnight (except for fall, Thanksgiving, and spring break). In addition, students are to avoid displaying on campus any pictures or objects promoting movies rated above PG-13.

While questions regarding the suitability of a specific movie should be directed to a residence hall supervisor or faculty member, the student is responsible to ensure that his or her viewing choices comply with campus community standards.

Computer/Video Games

Students are not to play video games rated above T or games that contain graphic blood or gore, sensual or demonic themes, violent first-person shooting, suggestive dress, bad language, or music that does not comply with BJU's music policy. Residence hall supervisors will provide guidance about the suitability of a game, but students are ultimately responsible for making sure their game choices meet campus standards and making wise decisions about the use of their time.


BJU encourages responsible use of technology in accordance with the biblical principles of good stewardship. By using BJU’s network and personal devices, each user assumes personal responsibility for his or her appropriate use and agrees to comply with BJU’s policies as well as city, state and federal laws and regulations. BJU reserves the right to monitor all network activity on the University’s network and on all computers internally tied to it.

 BJU uses a content filtering system to restrict access to biblically offensive material. Any attempt to bypass the filters to access such materials is a serious offense. All students are responsible for adhering to university regulations concerning the use of technology tools and services. Because certain websites often contain extensive sensuality, students are not to view celebrity websites, secular music lyric sites and humor/joke sites. To aid students’ pursuit of purity online, Covenant Eyes, an online accountability tool, is offered to students through the Student Care Office.

All students are provided network logins and email service.

In a related area, sending, forwarding, or requesting an email, text message or video with objectionable verbal or visual material is not edifying to others, and students sending/forwarding such items will be held accountable. These types of communications should be deleted upon receipt.

Students may use video chat technology (e.g., Facetime, Messenger) in residence halls while demonstrating thoughtful consideration of their roommates.


Students are to check their university-assigned email account daily. Failure to be aware of updated policies, procedures or other information does not relieve a student from responsibility or obligation.

Students are to respond to requests, including emails, within 24 hours.

Social Media

BJU expects students to use social media and blogs responsibly, following biblical principles and maintaining content that promotes a consistent, positive Christian testimony. Language should not violate scriptural commands regarding abusive, slanderous, complaining, disrespectful, profane, blasphemous or tale-bearing speech and content should be biblical and avoid promoting a lifestyle contrary to principles taught in Scripture or at the University. Videos taken on campus and posted on students’ sites should comply with campus attire and social standards and should not contain images of people under 18 years of age. A student who wishes to express concern or register a grievance should follow the grievance policies stated in the Grievance Procedures section. Due to the hookup culture and objectification of people often promoted through dating websites or apps, students should refrain from using such services. Specific guidelines for participating in social media are posted on the intranet.

Other Media

Certain types of magazines, catalogs, books, blogs and websites reflect an un-godly philosophy or pervasive sensuality and are not to be subscribed to, read, browsed or downloaded onto electronic devices. These include fashion, model, teen, body-building, video/computer game and television/film publications, such as (but not limited to) Esquire, GQ, People, Entertainment, Yahoo Magazine, Men’s Fitness and ESPN Magazine.


Gambling — or risking the material provisions of God on chance — is poor stewardship and caters to covetousness and the love of money. It is based on the false premise of “luck” and is a portal for exploitation. Therefore, gambling of any kind is unacceptable for any student.

Drones, Model Aircraft and Model Rockets

Drones, model aircraft of any type and model rockets are not to be used on campus. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by administrative conference and must conform to FAA and Greenville Downtown Airport guidelines.

Student Attire Policy

With a desire to train students to learn, love and lead, we believe that educating the whole person includes teaching appropriate attire for various occasions.

Choices we make that affect our outward appearance should reflect honor for Christ and love for others evidenced by joyful submission to God’s Word and showing deference to others through modest attire. This combination provides the biblical values necessary to live and lead effectively in a culture filled with sensuality. It is our prayer that our attire policy will provide opportunities for students to learn, love and lead through example.

The BJU attire policy requires modesty (drawing attention to inward beauty rather than to outward appearance, characterized by adequate coverage and suitable fit), appropriateness (understanding the setting and wearing clothing that is suitable for the context) and professionalism (displaying measurable excellence within an established set of standards). By practicing these areas within an educational setting, we are preparing our students for success in the vocations they are diligently pursuing. To promote consistent practice, we will provide accountability in a discipleship atmosphere.

All styles must fit appropriately so that undergarments on top and bottom are not visible due to the cut of the garment, or visible through the clothing either due to the sheerness of the fabric or the tightness of the fit. Attire infractions that are a violation of this measurable standard will be addressed directly as a “failure to follow instructions” infraction (major or minor) and corrected.

Sports Activities

Ministry groups supervising children and teens are welcome to bring them on campus to attend intramural and intercollegiate games, but BJU’s recreational facilities are not available for outreach ministry activities.


General Guidelines
  • Hair should be neat and professional in presentation, a natural color, and a distinctly feminine style. Shaved styles are not suitable.
  • Currently enrolled students are not to get any henna or body art; neither should they have or get any piercings other than in the ear. Bars or gauges in the ear are not suitable.
  • Students are not to get a tattoo (permanent or temporary) or body brand while enrolled and may be asked to keep existing tattoos or brands covered.
  • No visible undergarments.
  • Necklines should be high enough and tops long enough to be suitably modest (e.g., no cleavage). Sleeveless tops must cover to the edge of the shoulder where a normal sleeve begins.
  • Hemlines of skirts and dresses should touch the kneecap.
  • Slits are to approach the knee while being no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
  • Athletic shorts should be no shorter than two inches above the kneecap.
  • Clothing should not be ripped or have holes.
  • Crop tops are not suitable at any time.
  • Tops should be no more than 4 finger widths from the collarbone.
Class Appropriate Attire

Monday through Friday until 5 p.m. Suitable for evening classes, recitals, and concerts.

Class-appropriate attire at BJU is conservative business casual to communicate that we take academic coursework seriously in a manner that is consistent with the value we place on education.

Business casual style for women requires a dress, or a blouse/top with a skirt or with dress pants and shoes.

The following are suitable examples of business casual for women:

  • Khaki, cotton or synthetic material pants (pants should be two inches above the ankle or longer).
  • Dresses and tops with sleeves or without sleeves which cover to the edge of the shoulder where a normal sleeve begins.
  • Dressy t-shirts/sweatshirts free of writing or graphics (non-athletic wear).
  • Casual shoes.

The following examples are not suitable for business casual for women:

  • Denim skirts or dresses.
  • Jeans of any color.
  • Sweatpants, exercise pants, bib overalls.
  • Leggings or pants of any other material or style that is designed to cling.
  • Shower shoes.
  • Hats (except those worn for religious reasons).
  • T-shirts, tops, or crewneck sweatshirts with writing or graphics (small logos are acceptable).

Note: Society t-shirts, hoodies and BJU Bruin gear are suitable on days when societies meet.

Professors may require professional attire for presentations or other special events that are consistent with their course objectives and indicated in their syllabus. Students in programs requiring a uniform and those in ROTC may wear their uniforms to class and chapel/discipleship group/society, as necessary.

Formal Appropriate Attire

Suitable for Concert, Opera & Drama Series programs, evening religious services on campus (e.g., Bible Conference) and other designated special events.

Women should wear a dress or skirt and top to these events. Please avoid casual fabric such as denim. Dress shoes including sandals are suitable for these events.

Church Appropriate Attire

For Sunday church services, women should dress with a minimum standard of class appropriate attire. Jeans are not suitable.

Casual Appropriate Attire

On campus weeknights after 5 p.m. and on weekends (if not attending a formal program, recital, concert or service). Casual attire is also suitable if it is the required uniform for daytime work (while at work) and off campus when not attending a church service or formal program.

In addition to what is stated in class appropriate attire, women may wear an athletic T-shirt, jeans that are well fitting but not tight, athletic pants and flip-flops for these occasions.

Athletic/Recreational Appropriate Attire

Recreational appropriate attire may be worn when playing sports, exercising outside the fitness center, and for mixed group recreational activities (e.g., hiking or swimming).

  • Shorts approaching the knee but no shorter than two inches above it.
  • T-shirts with sleeves.


General Guidelines
  • Hair should be neat and professional:
  • One natural color and masculine style.
  • Off the collar, ears and eyebrows.
  • Sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear.
  • Manbuns, ponytails and mullets are not suitable.
  • Men should shave daily unless growing neatly trimmed (1/2” or less) facial hair. Facial hair should be established while away from campus. A clear cheek line and neckline must be established and maintained. The neck must be clean-shaven below the neckline.
  • Clothing should not be ripped or have holes.
  • Pants should be well fitting but not tight.
  • Students are not to get a tattoo (permanent or temporary) or body brand while enrolled and may be asked to keep existing tattoos or brands covered.
  • Finger rings, wristbands and a single necklace under a shirt are suitable.
  • Earrings and other piercings are not suitable.
Class Appropriate Attire

Monday through Friday until 5 p.m. It is also suitable for recitals, concerts, plays and evening classes.

Class appropriate attire at BJU is conservative business casual to communicate that we take academic course work seriously in a manner that is consistent with the value we place on education.

Business casual style for men requires a collared shirt (tucked in), pants, belt, crew socks and shoes.

The following are suitable examples of business casual for men:

  • An open collar or polo shirt (tucked in).
  • Dress pants.
  • Khakis or chinos (or similar).
  • Sweaters, 1/4 zips, crew neck sweatshirts (without writing/graphics).
  • Jacket with a zipper or buttons.
  • Closed-toe casual shoes or athletic shoes.

The following examples are not suitable for business casual for men:

  • Hooded sweatshirts.
  • Hats
  • Jeans of any color.
  • Elastic joggers, sweatpants, athletic pants.
  • Shorts
  • Shower shoes.
  • Crewneck sweatshirts with writing or graphics (a small logo is acceptable).
  • Camouflage

Note: Society t-shirts, hoodies and BJU Bruin gear are suitable on days when societies meet.

Professors may require professional dress for presentations or other special events that are consistent with their course objectives and indicated in their syllabus. Students in programs requiring a uniform and those in ROTC may wear their uniforms to class and chapel/discipleship group/society, as necessary.

Formal Appropriate Attire

Suitable for Concert, Opera & Drama Series programs.

  • Coat and tie with a button-up shirt and dress pants.
  • Avoid fabric such as denim.
  • Dress shoes with crew socks are proper for these events.

Suitable for all other formal events (i.e. Opening Exercises, evening religious services, Commencement, etc.).

  • Coat with a button-up shirt and dress pants.
  • Dress shoes with crew socks are proper for these events.
Church Appropriate Attire

For Sunday church services, men should dress with a minimum standard of class appropriate attire. Jeans are not suitable.

Casual Appropriate Attire

On campus weeknights after 5 p.m. and on weekends (if not attending a formal program, recital , concert or service). Casual attire is also suitable if it is the required uniform for daytime work (while at work) and off campus when not attending a church service or formal program.

In addition to what is stated in class appropriate attire, men may wear a T-shirt, hooded sweatshirts, jeans, athletic pants and flip-flops for these occasions.

Athletic/Recreational Appropriate Attire

Recreational attire may be worn when playing sports, exercising outside the fitness center and for mixed group recreational activities (e.g., hiking or swimming).

  • Athletic shorts should be no shorter than two inches above the kneecap.
  • Shirts

General Campus Responsibilities

Conduct at Athletic Events

At athletic events, players and spectators should display love for God and others by respecting the officials, our opponents and their fans. Negative cheering toward opponents or publicly questioning the officials’ decisions are not appropriate.

Emergency Procedures

Evacuation Plan

Regardless of cause, activation of a building’s fire alarm system indicates an emergency and requires immediate and orderly evacuation of the building. Those who hear the warning or see a fire should begin an orderly evacuation of the building using the nearest safe stairway or door.

If you discover fire or smoke, remain calm. Carry out the following steps if it is safe to do so and if time permits:

  • Upon discovery of a fire, shout “FIRE” to alert those in your area.
  • Sound the alarm. Locate the fire alarm pull station nearest the location of the fire and push down on its handle. Pull stations are located at the center and ends of each floor. When activated, the fire alarm will produce a loud, high-pitched chirping sound accompanied by flashing strobe lights.
  • Do not fight a fire; exit the building, closing all doors nearby to help confine the fire to the original area.
  • Notify as many persons in the area as possible. At minimum shout “FIRE” as you exit.
  • Call (864) 370-1800, ext. 1111, to report a fire to Public Safety as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • If you become trapped in your room, hang something out of your window (a sheet, curtain, etc.) to warn firefighters that you are still in the building. Place wet towels at the bottom of the door of your room or apartment.

All persons who have evacuated a building should remain outside and at least 100 feet away from the building. If everyone is not accounted for, do not reenter the building, but notify the firefighters on the scene.

For further information or explanation, contact the Fire Safety Coordinator at ext. 5912.

Tornado Warning

Should a thunderstorm result in a tornado warning, students in a building should go to the first floor and shelter in the hallway away from doors and windows or in a room with no windows. If students are outside, they should get into the nearest building immediately and stay in place until they receive an “all clear” message from Public Safety and Communications on the Emergency Notification System.

Emergency Notification

If a situation arises on or off campus that threatens the well-being of the university community or if information needs to be conveyed to the campus family immediately, such as weather cancellations, Public Safety will utilize the emergency notification system, which issues warnings to students by cell phone and campus email. Caller ID will identify the message as BJU Alert. For everyone’s safety, students are to follow transmitted messages precisely. Communications or Public Safety may also communicate information via email and/or post more detailed information on the intranet or on the website for the general public. To ensure they receive notification, students are to keep their cell phone numbers up to date in the student information system. Students can update their emergency notification information by using this link.

Medical Situations

In the unlikely event that a student is advised by a healthcare professional or a Public Safety officer to go to the emergency room or to accept emergency medical transport to a local hospital, the related expenses for such care are the responsibility of the student.

Weather Alerts

If the administration determines that local weather and/or road conditions warrant closing the campus or delaying the opening of classes or other campus activities on a specific day, the Communications office will communicate the delay or closing via emergency notification, email, and the following local media: WYFF TV 4, WORD 98.9 FM and 1330 AM, WHNS TV 12 and WSPA TV 7. Delays/closings will be communicated as early as possible — at least by 7 a.m.


Residence hall students are to register for a minimum credit/load each semester (undergraduate, 12 credits). Seniors and graduate students in their last semester may carry fewer than the minimum credit/load if the load permits them to complete degree requirements at the end of that semester. Students enrolled in resident coursework at BJU who do not meet the day student qualifications are to carry a load of at least 12 credit hours per semester. Tuition charge is part time per credit (1–11 credits) or full time (12–18 credits) for the semester. Full room/board and program fee charges apply for the semester. Applications are available online or at The Hub.

Students working toward the completion of an undergraduate degree qualify to live in graduate housing starting the semester they turn 23 years of age.

Day Student Qualifications

A student may enroll as a day student provided they meet one of the following qualifications:

  • Student is at least 23 years old by the end of the semester.
  • Student is married.
  • Student has completed a bachelor’s degree program or has marched at commencement with a procession concession to finish coursework for a four-year bachelor’s degree.
  • Student has completed eight full-time resident college semesters.
  • Student has completed military enlistment requirements (normally a standard four-year enlistment term. Those with a reserve contract will be considered on an individual basis).
  • Student lives with parents who live full-time in the Greenville area or with a court-appointed legal guardian (if the student is a minor).
  • Student lives with an aunt, uncle, first cousin (of the same gender), or grandparent or with a brother or sister who is at least 23 years old, has completed a bachelor’s degree, or is married.
    • Note: Students must get approval for this arrangement through the Household Verification process (explained below).
Household Verification Process

A student living with a relative other than their parents or guardian must complete the following two-step process:

  • Step 1 – The parent(s) or legal guardian must submit a signed letter to the Student Life office indicating:
  • Statement of consent that student lives with relative.
  • Full name of relative and relation to the student.
  • Address of the local residence.
  • Step 2 – The student must make an appointment with the Student Life office and come to the appointment accompanied by the relative with whom they wish to live. The relative must provide proof of identity* and proof of residency** and will sign documentation indicating their willingness to support the mission of BJU and verifying their responsibility for their student-family member.

*Proof of identity: This may include a passport, valid driver’s license, or ID.

** Proof of residency (2 documents required): This may include a copy of a valid SC driver’s license or ID, vehicle registration card, paycheck or paystub, cell phone bill, voter registration card, or utility bill (cannot be more than 45 days old).

Failure to comply with the Housing Qualifications may result in Disciplinary Probation or suspension.


Students who use “sharps” (syringes with needles and lancets for finger sticks) are to dispose of them in an approved container designed for this purpose.

Students are to come to the Student Health Services office where they will be given their first approved sharps disposal container at no charge and then we will exchange each full container brought to SHS during regular business hours. Students are not to place sharps or sharps containers in the regular trash. There are also sharps containers in restrooms around campus.


Students, staff, or campus visitors may not sell to, survey, or solicit to the university community on campus.


Any employee, student, class, or organization is to have the approval of the Office of Planning, Research, and Assessment before conducting a survey of any individuals at BJU.

Speaking for the University

Students should refer media inquiries to the Public Relations office, which can answer questions accurately and speak officially for BJU. Students are not to release information or grant interviews to the news media without first checking with the Public Relations office or being asked by that office to do so. In addition, students are not to speak for the University on social media.

Student Vehicles

Residence hall students who bring a vehicle to the Greenville area and day students who drive to campus are to register their vehicles (including motorcycles and bicycles) with BJU’s Office of Public Safety. Public Safety will issue parking tags which need to be completely applied to each student’s vehicle for the whole academic year. Residence hall students will be assigned a parking lot, designated by a color code, on campus property. Day students should check the Public Safety intranet page for designated day student parking areas. The student to whom a vehicle is registered is still responsible if he or she lends it to another student.

Out of consideration for the safety of the BJU community, students are to exercise caution when using personal transport products (e.g., skateboards and scooters) and registered bicycles and should limit their use to campus roadways. Due to the risk of fire, students are not to use vehicles with lithium-ion batteries on campus (e.g. hoverboards, e-bikes, e-scooters, etc.).

Walking on Campus

Students are to use crosswalks and sidewalks and, for stewardship reasons, are not to walk on the grass, except on Palmetto Green. Pedestrians who are in a crosswalk have the right of way; however, if a vehicle is too close to the crosswalk to stop safely then pedestrians should yield until the vehicle passes.

Weapons and Fireworks

Students are permitted to store a firearm in their vehicle provided the following are true:

  1. They have registered their intent to store a firearm with Public Safety (ext. 5900)
  2. They have a current, resident Concealed Weapons Permit from a state that South Carolina honors
  3. The firearm is stored in a closed console, closed compartment, or trunk in their locked vehicle.

Ammunition may not be stored in residence hall rooms. In addition, martial arts weapons are to be kept in student's vehicles. Blades or knives kept in residence hall rooms are to be no longer than two inches.

Fireworks are not to be brought to campus.


Since BJU is committed to students completing their education, students may marry between semesters but not during a semester.

Residence Hall Life

Living in a residence hall offers BJU students many benefits — opportunities to grow spiritually, to build solid friendships, to grow in love and consideration for others from various backgrounds and to develop and exercise leadership skills. The following guidelines for residence hall living are intended to help each student feel at home at BJU and to enable students to live together harmoniously in close proximity.

Curfew and Lights Out

Residence hall students are to return to their own residence hall by curfew. Students are to remain in their own residence hall until 5 a.m.

To develop community and display courtesy for others, all students are expected to be sensitive to other residents especially with regard to the nighttime hours. To make the residence hall rooms conducive for sleeping and to promote academic success, the following policies encourage the reduction of noise and light in the residence hall during nighttime hours:

  • On Sunday–Thursday nights, overhead room lights should be off beginning at midnight.
  • On Friday–Saturday nights, overhead room lights should be off beginning at 1 a.m.
  • Students are welcome to rise as early as 5 a.m., respecting a quiet atmosphere out of consideration for other sleeping roommates.
  • First-year students in a first-year residence hall are expected to be in bed with the lights out and ready to sleep at midnight Sunday–Thursday and 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays (this precludes talking, phone use or studying).
  • Other residents are expected to have quiet rooms beginning at midnight Sunday–Thursday and 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays (this precludes talking, music, gaming, etc.). After midnight, they are permitted to study in their own rooms with a personal lamp or in public residence hall areas, such as the study lounge or lobby.

Day Students

Day students are welcome to attend a friend’s discipleship group but should exit the residence halls by 11 p.m.


Any nonresidents who desire to spend the night in the residence halls are to secure a reservation from Guest Services in advance by calling (864) 241-1624 or emailing

Attire and Modesty

Students are to:

  • Be fully dressed in the stairwells, residence hall lobbies and first-floor hallways.
  • Wear shoes, shower sandals or socks in the halls and bathrooms.
  • Close the room blinds when it is dark outside.

Housing Accommodations

Students who need a housing accommodation are to fill out a Housing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities request form by June 1 for the fall semester and by November 15 for the spring semester.

Room Check

Residence hall room check is at 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Items that the resident assistant will check are listed on the back of the door in each residence hall room. Students in each room should discuss as a group how they will divide room responsibilities and help one another fulfill those responsibilities. Questions or concerns about room expectations can be discussed with a resident assistant, mentor or residence hall supervisor.

Room Décor and Furnishings

Students are encouraged to join with their roommates in decorating their rooms attractively and making them comfortable. Curtains, small bookcases, small storage chests, small chairs and computer or drafting tables may be added, along with refrigerators or thermoelectric coolers under 4.5 cubic feet. Per fire code, the rooms are not large enough to accommodate furniture such as recliners, love seats, sofas or large tables.

The cost of repair or replacement of damaged furnishings or university property in a student’s room will be charged to the responsible occupant or occupants if they can be identified; otherwise, the cost of damages will be assessed to all the residents of the room.

Decorations may be hung on the wall with white Plasti-tak®; to protect walls, avoid using tape, nails or tacks. Personal photos should comply with BJU policies; immodesty or inappropriate physical contact should not be displayed. Photos of entertainers or fashion models are not appropriate.

Students may have fish in a bowl or small tank in their rooms; other pets are not appropriate.

Security and Safety

While BJU is a safe campus, precautions are taken to protect the safety of individuals and ensure the security of campus property and personal possessions. Therefore, entry to the doors of residence halls is by ID card only, and security cameras are installed in the lobby and at the end of each floor. Doors are not to be propped open, and after curfew all students are to enter through the middle doors of the residence hall regardless of one’s access level. Letting another person into the residence hall after curfew is a breach of security. Climbing through any window is considered a major breach of security.

Each student is granted ID card access to his or her own room and common areas of the residence hall (including prayer rooms and recovery rooms). Students who are locked out of an interior room should contact their roommate or a residence hall staff member (RA, mentor or supervisor) to let them in. If no residence hall staff are available, call Public Safety for a let-in (ext. 5911).

Students are not to lend or share their ID card with others. Defective or worn ID cards may be replaced at The Hub at no cost. ID cards that are lost or damaged (e.g., cracks) are subject to a replacement fee. If an ID card is lost or broken over a weekend, the student’s residence hall supervisor can provide a temporary access card.

Students are not to be in another student’s room unless one of that room’s occupants is present. If a student is found with something that is not his or hers and the residence hall staff cannot confirm why he or she has it, it will be considered theft. This also applies to “borrowing” items without permission.

Fire Code

The following guidelines are necessary to prevent residence hall fires and to comply with the local fire code.

Items continually plugged in should be plugged directly into an outlet or a power strip with an on/off switch. Power strips are to rest on a headboard, desk or shelf and should not be in contact with bedding. Extension cords may be used temporarily but are to be unplugged immediately after use.

Outlet adapters (that convert two wall outlets into four or six) may be used only if they have an on/off switch or a surge protector. A power strip may be plugged into a surge protector if the adapter has an on/off switch or a reset button.

Food preparation appliances (with the exception of electric kettles and coffee makers) can be used only in the snack rooms of each residence hall.

Due to fire code provisions, plug-in lights may be used between November 1 and December 15. Battery-powered lights may be used year-round. Candles, wax warmers and incense are not to be burned or used in the residence halls.

Batteries are not to be removed from smoke detectors; they must be in working order at all times. Tampering with or removing smoke detectors will result in a $25 fine.

Lighters, containers that store flammable materials (gas cans, propane tanks, etc.), items that utilize flammable gas or liquids (gas grills, lawn mowers, chain saws, etc.) or tools that are used for yard work are not to be stored in or around the residence halls.

Evacuation Drills

Each residence hall conducts practice evacuations every semester. At the sound of the fire alarm, evacuate the building immediately and quietly. Exit according to the evacuation plans posted in each residence hall.

Senior Privileges

Residence hall students who have completed at least 90 credits toward their bachelor’s degree qualify to live in a senior room. Students in senior rooms are granted one roommate of their choice, have no required lights out and have room check only on Monday. Residents may study past midnight in other senior rooms. Senior room residents have regular curfew times and participate in discipleship groups.

Seniors may spend six nights per semester at a non-family member’s home. (A student may not stay overnight in a mixed group.)

If both students are seniors, couples may walk together or drive separately to meet off campus in a public place in the Greenville area.

Residents of senior rooms must maintain campus eligibility. Students who earn either disciplinary probation or two consecutive semesters of ineligibility are disqualified from senior privileges for the following semester.

Disciplinary System

BJU bases its system of accountability and correction on the functions of Scripture taught in 2 Timothy 3:16: teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. Part of our education program is holding students accountable in ways that lovingly instruct, warn, rebuke, restore and help develop “complete” Christians fully equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).

The spirit in which accountability is practiced is important to us. It is our desire that humility, gentleness, patience, and love, first for God and then for others permeate all aspects of discipleship, including rebuke and correction (Gal. 6:1; 1 Thess. 5:14).

Stating and enforcing these policies serves multiple purposes.


Community expectations provide guardrails that protect from harmful influences. Accountability and correction cannot vanquish our sinful flesh but can partially restrain its harmful manifestation. Consequences serve as one deterrent that supports the edifying environment centered on God’s Word.


Discipleship requires accountability, or else priorities become mere intentions or even pretenses. This follow-through helps not merely to correct behavior but to graciously challenge thinking and affections. It also acknowledges the role of failure in progressive sanctification. Sin has inherent consequences (Gal. 6:7–8), but a faith-filled response is a gateway to growth.


God applies discipline so that we can share in His holiness, both now and forever (Heb. 12:4–11). BJU’s system of consequences, therefore, aims at peace with God and man. The fruit of the faith-filled reception of consequences is repentance and forgiveness, which result in reconciled relationships with God, other individuals and the college community.

Disciplinary Tiers and Correction

While maintaining consistency, BJU takes a personal approach and works with a student based on that student’s heart response to correction.

Our disciplinary evaluation and correction are grouped into two tiers. Infractions (Tier 1) serve as an index of responsibility for the aspects of the code of conduct that relate primarily to personal discipline. An escalating system of corrective responses (Tier 2) is implemented when there are offenses involving loving respect for others, integrity and purity. These responses escalate from conduct warning to ineligibility to disciplinary probation to suspension. Infractions and corrective responses are reset at the conclusion of each semester.

Infraction Type Infraction Example Infraction Escalation
Room Job Infractions

Failure to pass room check

0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, etc.

Minor Infractions

Late leaving/returning to residence hall

0, 5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, etc.

Late to required activity

Failure to meet with Student Life

Room Curfew

Failure to follow instruction: minor (e.g., attire, phone use in public program)

10, 10, 25, etc.

Major Infractions

4th+ repeated occurrence of a minor infraction


Absent from required activity

Unacceptable music

Failure to follow instruction: major (e.g., attire, horseplay)

Infractions are organized into three categories: room job infractions, minor infractions and major infractions. Demerits are assigned based on the number of infractions occurring. After a couple of warnings, room job infractions increment steadily. Minor infractions increment steadily after a warning except for failure to follow instruction minor infractions which incur 10 demerits for each of the first two infractions and 25 demerits for each of the following infractions. Major infractions incur 25 demerits each time. If a student incurs three minor infractions of the same infraction type within one semester, future infractions of that type will be recorded as major infractions and incur 25 demerits.

 By accumulating 50 demerits or more in a semester, a student typically is demonstrating the need for greater self-discipline and, therefore, will receive a conduct warning. Multiple conduct warnings result in more significant corrective responses (see below).

Appealing Infractions

A student is notified of pending infractions via email and will then have a chance to appeal assigned infractions either with their residence hall supervisor (residence hall students) or a Student Life staff member (day students). (Meeting with Student Life is optional for  minor infractions and required for  major infractions.) Student Life staff will hear the student’s appeal and make a judgment regarding the infraction and appropriate consequence. This appeal must take place within one week of when the infraction is issued.

If a student believes that the Student Life staff member has not dealt fairly with him or her, he or she may follow an appeals process. (See Disciplinary Grievances & Complaints below.)

For some offenses there is a range of possible consequences due to various factors, such as a pattern of repeated offenses. In addition, voluntary acts of confessing and repenting of sin exhibit God’s grace at work and are given significant consideration during a disciplinary situation. However, because of the importance of integrity and due process, a student who is untruthful at any point during the investigation of a conduct offense is subject to the maximum consequence for that offense.

Student Conduct Fines

When a student reaches 25 demerits or receives a corrective response, he or she also incurs a monetary fine. These fines serve as a practical consequence to deter irresponsible or inappropriate behavior.

25-Demerit Accumulation Warning

Every time a student accumulates 25 demerits in matters of personal responsibility, a $25 fine will be added to his or her student account. This fine is assessed once for each 25 demerits that the student accumulates each semester. (For example, a student who accumulates infractions totaling 75 demerits over the course of a semester will pay three installments of $25, totaling $75 in fines.)


Corrective Response

Accumulating infractions totaling 50 demerits

Breach of security

Disobedience to a directive


Conduct Warning

Physical Contact


Conduct Warning-Probation

Off-campus infraction


Destruction of school/personal property

Unacceptable video/reading material

Conduct Warning-Ineligibility

Aggressive anger/fighting

Attendance at a movie, inappropriate concert/dancing



Unauthorized overnight



Indiscreet/sensual behavior


Disorderly conduct, alcohol, drugs


Conduct Warning

A conduct warning alerts a student to either a pattern of irresponsibility or an issue of respect, integrity or purity. This warning provides the student a chance to reflect, change and grow. A student who receives a conduct warning for any reason other than accumulation of infractions will incur a $50 fine on his or her student account.


A student who demonstrates an ongoing pattern of irresponsible behavior or who commits a specific offense becomes ineligible to participate in intercollegiate or intramural sports, run for or hold a campus office or leadership position, live in a senior room or have a key role in an official program. He or she may be required to meet with a staff member for accountability. Becoming ineligible two consecutive semesters places a student on weekly accountability for the following semester, with the requirement of maintaining eligibility status during that semester. If the ineligibility is for a student’s final two semesters, the student forfeits the privilege to participate in commencement exercises and may not reenroll for postgraduate or graduate work for one full semester. A student who becomes ineligible due to a specific offense will incur a $100 fine on his or her student account.

Disciplinary Probation

The third level of corrective response is disciplinary probation, which indicates a student has committed a significant lapse in moral judgment or has demonstrated an ongoing pattern of irresponsible behavior. A student on disciplinary probation meets with a staff member for weekly accountability. A student who does not successfully complete the terms of disciplinary probation is denied reenrollment the following semester. If a student earns disciplinary probation two consecutive semesters, he or she is denied reenrollment for one semester.

A student who withdraws for any reason while on disciplinary probation will return on weekly accountability. A student who is placed on disciplinary probation for a significant lapse in moral judgment will incur a $150 fine on his or her student account.


Because an edifying atmosphere benefits the entire campus community, there are some offenses that result in suspension. These include:

  • Major moral failure, including immorality, sensual behavior or use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Stealing or shoplifting.
  • Committing a crime while enrolled or not disclosing a crime committed before enrollment.
  • Encouraging or aiding another student in an action that results in suspension.

A student may receive disciplinary correction, including suspension, for grievous offenses, such as immorality, that come to light from a previous semester or break.

A suspended student may not return to BJU for one full semester and is restricted from campus. A student suspended twice is permanently expelled from the University.

Position on Human Sexuality

The New Testament exhorts believers to strive to live morally pure and sexually undefiled lives even in the midst of an immoral and sexually permissive culture (1 Thess. 4:1–9). This biblical mandate stands behind our desire to create and cultivate a culture that promotes and protects healthy relationships. In line with the scriptural teaching on sexual morality and the reality that students face many types of sexual temptation, we wish to encourage single students to live holy lives, abstaining from all sexual relationships, and married students to be faithful in marriage and to their spouse. Therefore, any sexual activity outside the context of a biblically defined marriage between one man and one woman is prohibited.

Additionally, any sexual behavior that is inconsistent with these standards — including sexual intercourse, other sexually intimate forms of touching and sexual communication in written, verbal or visual form — is prohibited even when consensual.

Consistent with our commitment to God’s design for gender identity, the public advocacy for or act of altering one’s biological sex through medical transition or transgender expression is prohibited. Any same-sex dating or advocacy for such is also prohibited. BJU’s perspective on gender identity also applies to — but is not limited to — the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, student housing, attire policies and participating in sex-specific university groups, clubs and organizations.

A fuller statement of BJU’s position on human sexuality and gender identity can be found in Appendix B. We realize that these issues are increasingly complicated ones with which many believers struggle, and we want to be a help to any students who need and desire help. The Student Life and Student Care staff are available to meet with students who are struggling.

Drugs & Alcohol

Students of any age who drink any alcoholic beverages, whether on or off campus, forfeit their privilege of enrollment as students.

BJU’s policy on alcohol use by students complies with the laws of South Carolina, which prohibit the possession, consumption, and serving of alcoholic beverages by and to persons less than 21 years of age. Underage students who consume alcoholic beverages in violation of South Carolina laws may face criminal penalties as well as disciplinary action.

BJU does not condone the possession, use, manufacture or distribution of illegal substances or drug paraphernalia of any kind or in any amount. Students who engage in drug activity — including the use of non-medically prescribed CBD gummies/oils and the misuse of prescription medication — forfeit their privilege of enrollment. Students who take drugs or otherwise participate in drug activity may face criminal penalties as well as disciplinary action.

Because of BJU’s position on drinking alcoholic beverages and using illegal substances, students who engage in either activity during a Christmas or summer break are subject to denial of enrollment for at least the following semester.

For additional information, see the Drug-Free Schools and Campus Policy on the intranet.

Note: BJU students are responsible for notifying the director of student life of incidences of arrest. Students who have been arrested must agree to an interview with the director of student life or a designee. Students who have been arrested are subject to disciplinary suspension.


A student wishing to withdraw should see a Student Life staff member in person, either their residence hall supervisor (for residence hall students) or the Student Life office (for day students). Avoiding potential disciplinary action is not legitimate grounds for voluntary withdrawal. Attendance at BJU is a privilege, not a right. A student may be subject to administrative withdrawal under the following circumstances:

  • In attitude or conduct a student does not fit the spirit of the biblical principles that guide BJU’s educational philosophy and to which each student ascribes by signing the student covenant.
  • A student’s behavior poses a threat to the safety and well-being of others.

Legal Violations

BJU reserves the right to alert law enforcement officials of legal violations occurring on or off campus. Claiming ignorance of the law is not a valid defense of one’s violation.

University Rights

In executing its disciplinary system as a private educational institution, BJU reserves the right to:

  • Inspect lockers and residence hall rooms.
  • Scan emails for viruses and objectionable content and review if deemed necessary.
  • Revoke a student’s network access without prior notification if the student’s computer poses a threat to other computers or to the stability of the network.
  • Inspect the content of any electronic device (iPod, computer, cell phone, etc.) if deemed necessary.
  • Communicate with a student’s parents on any situation involving the student when the student is a dependent or has consented to the release of his or her educational records. Situations covered by a confidential agreement in the Student Care Office are an exception.
  • Restrict its services, programs and meetings from being recorded on personal communication devices.

Failure to cooperate with an official review or inquiry could result in disciplinary action.

Student Rights & Resources

Notice of Nondiscrimination

BJU is an equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, national or ethnic origin, protected disability or veteran status, and for married students, medical needs arising from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, admission to, and enrollment with the University, including but not limited to recruitment, selection, hiring, placement, transfer, promotion, training, compensation, benefits, discipline, termination, educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, scholarship and loan programs, housing, athletic and other university-administered programs, and activities.

BJU will not tolerate, condone, or permit discrimination, harassment (including but not limited to sexual offenses), and/or retaliation, whether engaged in by employees, students, or third parties who conduct business with BJU. BJU will investigate such complaints in accordance with the BJU Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedures.

BJU has designated a Title IX Coordinator to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX and other applicable federal civil rights laws. Complaints or any concerns about conduct that may violate this policy or retaliation should be filed with the Title IX Coordinator at

General Student Rights

At BJU, students are afforded certain rights that ensure their ability to fully participate as members of the university community. Specifically, students have the right:

  1. To receive a quality education;
  2. To understand the requirements of their academic programs and receive regular, timely and useful information and advice about relevant academic requirements;
  3. To be provided with sufficient course information to be able to make informed course selections;
  4. To be informed in writing at the beginning of each term (typically via a syllabus) of the specific requirements and expected learning outcomes of the courses in which they are enrolled and to expect that course requirements will not be changed without notice;
  5. To have clear indication of their educational progress in those courses in which they are enrolled and to know how the various assignments are weighted;
  6. To receive a fair, transparent and impartial assessment of their performance as students;
  7. To have their grades kept private from other students and to have final examinations held at the appointed times;
  8. To have the privacy of their personal information and records protected by the administration (please refer to the FERPA policy for additional information);
  9. To find their instructors available during posted office hours or by special arrangement;
  10. To have their instructors arrive for classes punctually;
  11. To have their complaints and grievances addressed through the BJU Student Grievance and Complaint Policy;
  12. To appeal to a university administrator or the Student Life staff any disciplinary charge that has been alleged in accordance with the BJU Student Discipline Policy;
  13. To be provided with relevant information concerning financial assistance;
  14. To participate in university activities and programs for which they are eligible and qualified; and
  15. To participate in institutional governance through service as members of certain councils and committees organized on campus.

Grievance Procedures

Academic Grievances & Complaints

Students are free to speak with professors to express concerns about final grades. If a student does not feel his or her professor has resolved the issue satisfactorily, he or she may express in writing a grievance or complaint to the dean of his or her college/school. (If the complaint is against his or her dean, the student may appeal directly to the provost, as described below.)

If the student does not feel that such a course resolves the issue, he or she may submit a letter of inquiry/complaint to the office of the provost as outlined below.

Disciplinary Grievances & Complaints

Students may appeal the assignment of demerits with their residence hall supervisor or another student life staff member at the Student Life office.

A student who receives a corrective response (conduct warning, ineligibility, disciplinary probation, suspension) for violating the student covenant and/or the expectations stated in the student handbook may appeal that decision to the chief officer for student development:

  • The appeal must be made in writing within 48 hours of the student’s notification of a disciplinary decision. Students who appeal a suspension are not permitted to attend class or live in the residence halls during the appeal process.
  • The appeal must be complete and detailed. Students will present their appeals in person only if requested to do so; therefore, the student should state all reasoning and present all evidence in the written appeal. Grounds for an appeal are limited to the following:
    • Established policies and procedures were not followed and the deviation resulted in the student receiving unfair or unwarranted disciplinary action.
    • The disciplinary sanction exceeds what is stated in the Student Handbook. Sanctions within the guidelines expressly stated in the student handbook are presumed to be appropriate.
    • New evidence was discovered that was unavailable at the time of a disciplinary interview if it reasonably could have affected the decision.

If a student believes that the chief officer for student development has not correctly decided an appeal based on established policies and procedures, the student may appeal to the Office of the Provost in writing within 48 hours. The vice provost of academic administration will convene the Administrative Hearing Committee to hear the appeal as outlined below.

Personal Grievances & Complaints

We encourage and expect administrators, faculty, staff, and students to reconcile personal grievances and complaints by following the principles Jesus Christ gives in Matthew 18:15–17. However, when the nature of the grievance or the relationship between the two parties does not permit the offended student to resolve his or her concern in this way, he or she is free to approach the acting chief student development officer for a discussion about the concern and the most reasonable way to satisfy or resolve the issue. (If the complaint is against the acting chief student development officer, the student may appeal directly to the provost, as described below.)

If the student does not feel that such a course resolves the issue, he or she may submit a letter of inquiry/complaint to the office of the provost as outlined below.

General Grievances & Complaints

We desire to treat students fairly and to serve their needs effectively. We are open to constructive input regarding how we may improve our service to students, campus life, and the testimony of BJU. Mass and social media are powerful tools to communicate truth. In the spirit of honor and wisdom, however, students should not use media to create petitions or to disparage BJU but should instead pursue truth in love by following this grievance process. Students who wish to make a general inquiry, recommendation or complaint that does not relate to mistreatment from a specific person are free to approach the acting chief student development officer for a discussion about the concern and the most reasonable way to satisfy or resolve the issue. (See references above under Personal Grievances & Complaints for information on how to file grievances relating to mistreatment from a specific person.)

If the student does not feel that such a course resolves the issue, he or she may submit a letter of inquiry/complaint to the office of the provost as outlined below.

Disability Grievances & Complaints

Any student currently enrolled at BJU who believes that he or she has been discriminated against or harassed on the basis of race, color, age, sex, national or ethnic origin, protected disability or veteran status, and for married students, medical needs arising from pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition by a university employee, university student or a visitor to the University may use BJU’s Disability Grievances and Complaints Policy and/or file a formal discrimination complaint pursuant to BJU’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

SCOPE Online Grievances & Complaints

Personal Grievances & Complaints

We encourage our online learners and facilitators to reconcile personal grievances and complaints by following the principles Jesus Christ gives in Matthew 18:15–17. However, when the nature of the grievance or the relationship between the two parties does not permit the offended online learner to resolve his or her concern in this way, he or she is free to approach a SCOPE associate dean for a conversation about the concern and the most reasonable way to satisfy or resolve the issue. If the complaint is against a SCOPE associate dean, the student may appeal directly to the SCOPE dean. If the student does not feel that such a course resolves the issue, he or she may submit a letter of inquiry/ complaint to the Office of the Provost, as described below, in Submitting an Inquiry/Complaint to the Office of the Provost.

General Grievances & Complaints

In addition, we desire to treat online learners fairly and to serve their needs effectively. We are open to constructive input regarding how we may improve our service to our learners and the testimony of SCOPE and BJU. Mass and social media are powerful tools to communicate truth. In the spirit of honor and wisdom, however, students should not use media to create petitions or to disparage SCOPE or BJU but should instead pursue truth in love by following this grievance process. Learners who wish to make a general inquiry, recommendation, or complaint that does not relate to mistreatment from a specific person are free to approach a SCOPE associate dean for a discussion about the concern and the most reasonable way to satisfy or resolve the issue. (See references above under Personal Grievances & Complaints for information on how to file grievances relating to mistreatment from a specific person.) If the student does not feel that such a course resolves the issue, he or she may submit a letter of inquiry/complaint to the Office of the Provost, as described below, in Submitting an Inquiry/Complaint to the Office of the Provost.

Program Integrity Complaints

Any student currently enrolled at BJU with a concern relating to programs offered by postsecondary educational institutions authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act may use the Program Integrity Grievances and Complaints Policy.

Submitting an Inquiry/Complaint to the Office of the Provost

When the office of the provost receives a formal letter of inquiry/complaint, the provost will convene the Administrative Hearing Committee to consider the inquiry/complaint. The Administrative Hearing Committee will conduct an appropriate investigation and will render a written explanation/decision within 30 days of the filing of the inquiry/complaint to both the student who made the complaint and the vice provost. The office of the vice provost will keep a record of all student complaints and documentation of how they were handled.

If a student making the inquiry/complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of the process, he or she may appeal to the president of the University. The decision of the president is final.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Bob Jones University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, or call (404) 679-4500.

Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools

BJU is accredited by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools. Inquiries regarding compliance with accreditation policies and standards may be directed to the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, 15935 Forest Road, Forest, Virginia 24551; phone: (434) 525-9539; fax: (434) 525-9538; email:

Academic Assistance

BJU is committed to student success and overall well-being and makes the following resources available to assist students.

Professors, Academic Advisors and Academic Deans

For academic assistance, first see the professors for the specific classes in which you need help. Academic advisors help with studies in general and your academic major. They are interested in you as a person and are also available to provide biblical counsel and other help. Faculty and advisors’ office locations and hours are listed online. Academic deans are also available for consultation; you can schedule an appointment through their administrative assistant.

Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center on Alumni second floor provides a variety of resources to help students improve their study skills and maximize their education. At the Academic Resource Center, students of all classifications can connect with study groups for specific classes, receive academic counseling, find tutors, make up tests they may have missed in class and even improve their writing skills. From educational technology to a quiet study zone to academic accommodations for those with documented learning disabilities, the Academic Resource Center helps students build academic confidence and ultimately excel in college.

Upperclassmen can minister to their fellow students by applying to be tutors or lead study groups.

Other Types of Aid

Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid in The Hub on the second floor of the Student Center assists students with scholarships, loans and grants.

Medical Aid

The office of Student Health Services is available as an on-campus resource for students. A nurse is available during daytime business hours to provide minor first aid, allergy shots and to counsel undergraduate and graduate students on the medical services available to them in the Greenville area.

In addition, residence hall students in need of medical care now have access through a new partnership to virtual care with a provider 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students will be able to sign up for the Moment MD app to access this care.

Each residence hall has an empty room available for students who need to recover from illness apart from their roommates. Students should see their residence hall staff about using a recovery room.

A housing facility is also available for students who have contagious illnesses (COVID-19, the flu, etc.) that require extra rest and care. The Director of Student Health Services is available to oversee virtual physician visits, health screening and student care at this facility.

Biblical Counseling

BJU is committed to a biblical discipleship and counseling model. The faculty and staff are serving at BJU because they want to invest in helping students succeed and grow to be like Jesus Christ. For example, residence hall mentors and supervisors welcome you to approach them for advice, mentoring and to answer questions.

We seek to provide the help, hope and healing that God gives to people through His Word. Our biblical counseling model means that we affirm Scripture is sufficient as the authoritative, inerrant revelation of God, His saving work and His wisdom for holy and joyful living. Aiming to understand our humanity without having God’s Word at the center of our framework would mislead us at crucial points.

Sexual Abuse

All faculty and staff are legally mandated to report to law enforcement whenever they have reason to believe that anyone who is currently a minor (a) has been abused or neglected, or (b) is or could possibly be at risk of being abused or neglected. For more information, please refer to our Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Abuse Reporting Policy and Procedure.

Adult survivors of abuse have a legal right to report their abuse to law enforcement, and BJU will assist them in making the report if they desire. Related information will remain confidential and will not be included as part of the adult abuse survivor’s official student records. If an adult survivor of abuse communicates the facts of the abuse to a BJU faculty or staff member, there may be a legal requirement for the abuse to be reported to the appropriate authorities (e.g., if the abuse has not been reported and another child may be at risk of abuse).

In all matters, BJU will comply with South Carolina state and federal laws.

Student Care Office

The Student Care Office is a place where students can come for confidential biblical counseling and mentoring. Students are welcome to come on their own to seek counseling, or they often prefer to have a friend come along initially. Students can be assured that what they share in the Student Care Office will not be shared with others on or off campus without the student’s permission, with the exceptions of legal issues regarding abuse and when someone’s safety is compromised. The Student Care Office is also a place where students can go for confidential advice and information on Title IX issues.

While our faculty and staff always desire to help students, we understand that not all the help a student needs may be available on campus, so we support a student’s desire to seek resources in the community as well (e.g., local churches, health professionals and counseling services).

Appendix A – Sanctity of Life

God values human life. After narrating God’s creation of a world teeming with life, the Bible’s first chapter climaxes with God’s first recorded words. God proclaims His intention to create a final creature “in our image” and “after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). The crowning act of creation follows. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Gen. 1:27). The chapter concludes with God’s verdict on His creation. “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31).

The theme of God valuing human life is found throughout the Bible. He values human life at its beginning. He values human life at its end. And God demonstrates that He values human life in the humanity of His Son.

God values human life at its beginning

God’s first command to humans was to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). But the Bible does not view procreation as occurring independently of God’s ongoing creative work. Psalms 139:13–16 asserts that God creates human life in the womb. “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. … Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in Your book were written … the days that were formed for me.”1 David’s use of personal pronouns implies his humanness and personhood. Psalm 139:15 metaphorically compares a mother’s womb to the “depths of the earth” where, says David, “I was being made in secret, intricately woven.” The metaphor points to the creation account where God breathed into the dust of the earth a “living soul” (Gen. 2:7).

The prophet Jeremiah speaks of God forming, knowing and sanctifying him in his mother’s womb. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee” (Jer. 1:5). The prophet also indicates that death in the womb is possible, implying that was a living person. “Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave” (Jer. 20:17).

The Mosaic Law treats the human conceptus (living being from conception forward) as a viable person with legal rights. If a man strikes a pregnant woman causing premature delivery and the consequent death of the child, he must pay with his own life according to the law of lex talionis (Exod. 21:22–25).

Likewise, the account of Samson’s birth assumes the personhood of his fetus. The angel of the LORD twice instructed his mother to keep the Nazarite vow of abstinence from “wine or strong drink” and “the unclean thing” lest she defile the person in her womb to whom the vow actually applied (Judg. 13:3–5, 13–14). Numerous other texts assume the personhood of unborn children (Gen. 25:23–26; 38:27–30; Job 31:15–18; Ps. 22:9–10; Isa. 44:2).

Developments in modern biology consistently uphold the biblical model of the personhood of the unborn. A person’s entire genome (full complement of chromosomes) exists in the zygote — the single cell formed by the union of the male sperm and female ovum. The zygote is a unique combination of genetic information from both the father and the mother. Further, the zygote contains the entire genetic information necessary to navigate the entire process of intrauterine development, growth, birth, puberty and adult maturation. When human embryos are implanted into surrogate mothers’ wombs, they receive no new genetic information from the surrogate mother. After conception the only physical requirements necessary to sustain fetal life are the same requirements necessary to sustain adult life — nutrition, water and oxygen. Therefore, we believe that life and personhood begin at conception (Ps. 51:5).

God values human life at its end

The Old Testament begins with the Bible depicting human life as inviolable not only in its origins, but also in its termination. Death is a wretched and abnormal condition resulting from man’s rebellion against his Creator. The Bible consistently views death as the worst possible suffering and the greatest curse upon the human condition. Death is inevitable, but not desirable.

The Bible teaches that God determines the limits of human life. The book of Job states, “[Man’s] days are determined, the number of his months are with Thee, Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass” (Job 14:5). Solomon affirms that for each person, God determines “a time to be born, and a time to die” (Eccles. 3:2). Hebrews 9:27 speaks of God’s appointing man’s death and subsequent judgment. The Bible denies man the prerogative to terminate life apart from God’s intent. Exodus 20:13 declares, “Thou shalt not kill.”

Since the fall, humans have usurped God’s sovereignty over the limits of human life. Humanity’s eldest son became a murderer when Cain killed his brother Abel. In a graphic metaphor Genesis 4:10 speaks of the blood-soaked earth — from which man was formed — crying out to God for justice in the premature termination of Abel’s life. In only three specific cases does God permit humans to terminate the lives of other humans; in cases of capital punishment, in war, and in self-defense (Gen. 9:6; Deut. 7:1–2; Exod. 22:2–3).

Rather than facilitating the death of the elderly, the Bible instructs the younger to value their wisdom and discretion (Lev. 19:32; Prov. 16:31). This instruction applies especially to children respecting their parents. “Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old” (Prov. 23:22). The Scripture does not recognize as legitimate several contemporary justifications for euthanasia, including the right to die with dignity, the relief of financial strains on the family, the relief of burdensomeness to society or the relief of suffering. We may not understand why God permits indefinite suffering on the part of the dying, or why He allows the elderly to become enduring burdens to their families. But we are certain that God permits trials for the sake of perfecting the Christian’s faith (James 1:2–4). Job suffered severely, but he recognized that his suffering was appointed for him by God, and Job did not arbitrarily terminate his life (Job 23:10, 14).

God values human life in the humanity of His Son

The Old Testament begins with the creation of man in God’s image. The New Testament begins with the birth of God in man’s image. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His experience of human sorrow and suffering, His vicarious atonement, and His sacrificial death on a cruel instrument of torture compellingly demonstrate that God values human life. But God’s love for humanity is not merely temporal, it is eternal. In the resurrected body of Jesus Christ, God permanently assumed the human condition.

Christ’s bodily resurrection emphatically reiterates God’s original assessment of His creation. “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the first act in God’s restoration of the whole creation to its original pre-fallen condition (Isa. 65:17; Rom. 8:22–23; Rev. 21:1–5). Creation fell in the first Adam; in the second Adam (Jesus) creation is restored (Rom. 5:12–17). Christ’s death reversed the verdict of death that fell upon the human race subsequent to Adam’s sin. Christ’s resurrection offers resurrection life to all who believe (1 Cor. 15:3–4, 12–23).

The Bible is a book about life and death. God values all created life. God especially values human life. And God offers eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


We believe that followers of Jesus Christ who are governed by the Bible are ethically obligated to preserve, promote and defend the sanctity of life.

We believe that whenever there is an ethical dilemma the default positions should always be to protect life, including the unborn (Prov. 24:11-12). Jesus teaches this principle of carefulness in the Sermon on the Mount when He instructs His followers not only to avoid killing, but to cease from any activity or passion that increases one’s proclivity toward murder (Matt 5:21–22).

We believe that the Bible consistently depicts life in the womb as both personal and human. As a University, we believe that our thinking about issues related to contraception, the harvesting of embryonic stem cells and aborticides should be governed accordingly.

Therefore, we oppose the practice of abortion on the grounds that it involves the intentional, purposeful and direct ending of a human life that began at conception. In the event that a situation arises where the mother’s physical life would be endangered, such as with an ectopic pregnancy, it would be morally and ethically responsible to deliver the baby and allocate life-saving resources for both the baby and the mother, rather than risk the loss of both mother and child.

1Quoting the ESV for clarity. The KJV reads, “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. … My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”

Appendix B – Position on Marriage and Human Sexuality

Definition of Marriage

The institution of marriage has been valued by every culture and society throughout human history. Bob Jones University believes marriage is an institution ordained by God and prescribed by Scripture to be a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman physically created in these respective genders by God. We believe God intended heterosexual marriage to be an enduring covenanted relationship established before Himself and man to propagate the human race, lovingly express healthy relational and sexual intimacy, and picture the covenant relationship He has with all genuine believers.

Basis of Authority for the Definition

As a distinctively Christian liberal arts university, BJU strives to live according to the doctrinal, moral and ethical dictates of the Bible which serves as our final authority for all matters pertaining to doctrinal beliefs and moral and ethical practices. Our understanding of marriage and application of its meaning is grounded in more than established human tradition and existing cultural norms. As the authoritative, inspired, inerrant and timelessly relevant Word of God, the Scriptures have binding authority for the doctrinal belief and moral practice of believers, churches and Christian institutions (2 Sam. 7:28; Prov. 30:5; Matt. 4:4; 5:17–20; 24:35; 2 Tim. 3:15–16; 2 Pet. 1:16–21; 3:2). The Bible speaks clearly and authoritatively to the matters of marriage, consensual sexual activity and gender identity. Its clear teachings on these matters govern and are central to the beliefs and practices of BJU and serve as the final authoritative grounds for the content of this position statement.

The Scriptures teach that God created man and woman in His image (Gen. 1:27–28), brought them together in the lifelong covenant relationship of marriage and blessed this union (Gen. 1:28). Furthermore, the Scriptures make plain that this first marriage was intended to be an authoritative pattern for all future human marriages as evidenced by the teachings of Moses (Gen. 2:18–24), the Wisdom books (Prov. 12:4; 18:22; 31:10; Eccles. 9:9), the Prophets (Mal. 2:13–16), the Apostles (1 Cor. 7:1–16; Eph. 5:21–33; Col. 3:14–19; Heb. 13:4; 1 Pet. 3:1–7), and Jesus Himself (Matt. 19:4–6; Mark 10:1–9).

Marriage is a covenantal lifelong relationship between a woman and a man who were physically created and assigned these genders by God (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 139:13–16; Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6). We believe God intended heterosexual marriage for the propagation of the human race and the loving expression of healthy relational and sexual intimacy, and to picture the covenant relationship He has with all believers (Eph. 5:22–33).

Context for Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is part of God’s divine design for human beings (Gen. 1:28). However, the Bible restricts all forms of consensual sexual activity to within the boundaries of the marriage relationship (1 Cor. 7:1–5; Heb. 13:4). The Bible clearly prohibits not only nonconsensual sexual misconduct (Deut. 22:25–27) but also any consensual sexual activity outside the boundaries of heterosexual marriage (1 Thess. 4:1–8). Furthermore the Bible specifically names as sinful and prohibits any form of sexual activity between persons of the same sex (Rom. 1:26–27; 1 Cor. 6:9–10; 1 Tim. 1:10), polygamy (Matt. 19:4–6; 1 Cor. 7:11), incest (Lev. 18:6–18; 1 Cor. 5:1), bestiality (Exod. 22:19; Lev. 18:23; 20:15–16; Deut. 27:21; Gal. 5:19; Eph. 5:3; Col. 3:5), adultery (Exod. 20:14; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; James 2:11), and fornication of any sort including pornography (1 Cor. 6:9–10; 1 Thess. 4:3–8; Lev. 18:20).

Statement about Gender Identity

God created man and woman in His image as two distinct but equal genders which He intends to use for His glory (Gen. 1:26–27). Furthermore, individual gender is assigned by God and determined at conception (Ps. 139:13–16). Therefore, we believe that to intentionally alter or change one’s physical gender or to live as a gender other than the one assigned at conception is to reject God’s right as Creator to assign gender to His creatures and is a personal rejection of His plan to glorify Himself through the original gender He assigned that individual (1 Cor. 10:31).

Expectations of BJU Employees and Students

Because the positions set forth in this statement are grounded in the biblical, moral and ethical commands clearly taught and demanded by Scripture, BJU expects all employees and students enrolled at BJU to agree with and abide by this statement on marriage, human sexuality and gender identity.

Posture toward Those Who Disagree with Us

All of us are sinners. We live in a world broken by sin and are called to live out our biblical beliefs among those who may disagree with us. We desire to do so in ways that honor God and point them to Him (1 Pet. 1:11–12). We believe every person must be treated with respect and compassion and are committed to living out our commitments to these biblical standards with grace and humility. We also believe that we are called to speak God’s truth in love (Eph. 4:15) as we call all men to recognize that all human sinfulness is an offense to God (Rom. 3:10–11; Rom. 6:23a), that God has displayed immense grace and mercy toward all sinners (Eph. 2:1–10), and that He offers a full and free forgiveness through Jesus Christ to all who repent and forsake their sin and turn in faith to Him (Acts 3:19–21; Rom. 6:23; 10:9–10; 1 Cor. 6:9–11; 1 John 1:8–9).

Appendix C – Biblical Approach to Evaluating Objectionable Elements in Entertainment

A Christian’s entertainment choices should reflect Christ and encourage him or her to be more like Christ.

While it can be beneficial to be culturally literate, every Christian should self-censor his or her entertainment choices. Below are common categories of elements that are biblically objectionable and should be censored:

  • Profanity. 
  • Scatological realism — pertaining to excretory functions.
  • Sexual perversion — adultery, fornication, homosexuality.
  • Erotic realism — explicit descriptions of sexual acts.
  • Lurid violence.
  • Occultism.
  • False philosophical or religious assumptions — the most dangerous, yet the most overlooked, of all objectionable elements.

Evil in the Bible appears dangerous and repulsive. Reflections of evil appear in the Bible in the form of negative examples so as to create a defense against what they represent or to give hope to the fallen for forgiveness and recovery from sin. Entertainment choices should treat evil in the same way that it is treated in the Scriptures. Such entertainment can be edifying reading, listening or viewing for someone of sufficient maturity.

Scripture itself includes notable examples of each type of objectionable element, but the intent of the presentation is to instruct, the details are presented with restraint rather than gratuitousness and the tone makes clear what is evil and what is good.

Certainly no Christian should take pleasure in reading, listening to or viewing content that draws him or her away from personal holiness; but neither will a mature Christian unreflectively seclude him or herself from worthy literature or other entertainment choices simply because they contain offensive material, if that material is presented in the same manner in which Scripture presents it. Edifying entertainment choices expose the believer to works which enhance his or her understanding of the world and strengthen the credibility of his or her testimony by enabling him or her to become “all things to all men” (1 Cor. 9:22) and develop moral perception to “by reason of use have [his] senses exercised to discern both good and evil” (Heb. 5:14).

When evaluating an entertainment choice, Christians should ask themselves the following questions:

  • Are the characters noble?
  • Do the actions of the story cause the characters to desire virtue and reject vice?
  • Does the story’s resolution reward good and punish evil or honor wisdom and scorn foolishness?
  • Does the theme of the story conflict with God’s truth? If it does, how?
  • Where is the flaw?

Instead of making entertainment choices indiscriminately or insulating oneself from all entertainment, Christians should follow God’s example: create a resistance to the allurement of evil by wisely applying small doses of antigen in the form of critical reading, watching and listening.

It is godly to present ungodliness in a biblical manner, for a biblical purpose and to a biblical effect. It is ungodly to use what might seem the freedom of Scripture as a cloak of licentiousness (cf. 1 Pet. 2:16).

Condensed from Dr. Ron Horton’s Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission.

Appendix D – University Trips

Conventions, Contests and Trips Away from Campus

With administrative conference approval, students may attend professional meetings, contests and conventions related to their major and may stay overnight with an approved chaperon. Other groups, such as the University Business Association and art students, may take group trips. See Class Attendance Policy and Non-Class Required Events for information concerning absences from class and non-class activities. A pass with approval from the Student Life office is required.

Official University Groups


Students traveling in official BJU groups are expected to dress in a way that commends Christ.

  • Travel, sightseeing and touring professional establishments — casual appropriate attire, unless otherwise instructed by a sponsor.
  • Travel to and from a church — class appropriate attire. (Attire for traveling to and from a church can vary at the discretion of the sponsor, who is knowledgeable of the preferences of specific churches.)
  • Representing the University in a competition event — class attire or formal attire (men: coat is suitable), as appropriate.
  • Attending a church service, including when representing the University — same attire as for evening religious services on campus during the academic year (women: skirt or dress, not denim; men: coat or tie).
  • All hair and grooming regulations apply.
Social Regulations

Small groups are to regularly check in with the group leader, and the group leader should have a cell phone number for each group.

  • Mixed groups are to consist of at least three people.
  • Men and women are not to be in each other’s hotel rooms without a sponsor, and students are to be in their own hotel rooms by 12 a.m. unless at a sponsor-called meeting.
  • Mixed swimming is not permitted.

Television and movie viewing is to be in keeping with university guidelines. Because of copyright issues, commercial videos are not shown on the bus.


Whenever possible, university travel should be conducted using university vehicles. Vehicle requests should be made two weeks in advance. University insurance covers employees and student representatives who are authorized through the vehicle request process as drivers or occupants of university vehicles. Additional information is available on the intranet.